Coffee Break – 03.18.2013

Coffee Break

Making Art With 60,000 Woven Coffee Stirrers – I drink my coffee black. And yet, a lot of coffee places give me a stirrer with my order (I’m looking at you, Starbucks). So what do you do with those things? This guy came up with a great idea: Art. Check it out.

Time Machine Pugeot – It’s pretty cool when things go full circle. This video from Petrolicious tells the story of a man who, as a child, loved his dad’s car. Now, he has the opportunity to have his own. But there’s more, and it’s pretty sweet.

9 Houses Built Just For Spite – This made me laugh. People will do the strangest things just to prove a point. However, the results are pretty neat to look at.

The Lost Tribes Of The Amazon – has an interesting article about some of the indigenous tribes around the Amazon who have had no contact with civilization. The implications for missions are tremendous, once you get around the protection issue. Plus, there’s an interesting allusion to Noah’s flood on the third page.

Chavez’s Last Words And Yours – You may have heard that the president/dictator of Venezuela died earlier this month. One member of his presidential guard was close enough to hear his final words, and they are very telling. Chavez was very fearful and not ready. In light of his socialist beliefs, and his atheism, his final moments, and the ones after, must have been truly terrifying. This article asks a simple question: Are you ready?

Battling Sinful Sarcasm – I’ll be honest; I wasn’t too interested in reading this article. However, it spoke directly to my heart and touched a nerve. I’m fairly sarcastic most of the time, and what is described here isn’t what I wanted to hear. But it was needed. And with the prevalence of sarcasm in our society, you might need to hear it as well.

Isn’t it amazing that almost everyone has an opinion to offer about the Bible, and yet so few have studied it? – R. C. Sproul