Coffee Break – 03.23.2015

Today is a very significant day in history. On this day in 1912, the Dixie Cup was invented. In 1806, Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific coast and started back east. And in 1794, Josiah Pierson patented a rivet machine.

Coffee Break

Roasting Coffee In A Frying Pan – I really want to try this, but it may be too much of a strong odor in the house. It’s still very tempting, though…

Journey To The Center Of The Earth – This is an interactive graphic that gives a pretty interesting perspective of the depth of the earth, to the very core. Showing what you may find at various depths, this is a very fun site to peruse.

How Clocks Changed Humanity – I have never really thought about how humanity operated before the advent of time-keeping mechanisms. This is very interesting. This is well worth the few minutes it takes to watch.

Choose Your Attitude – Positivity is a choice, not a circumstance. This is brief, yet very eye-opening.

The Benefits Of Membership – After a couple of conversations the past few weeks about church membership, I found this to be very enlightening and interesting. I’m not so sure it’s always this black and white, and it would be nice if it was, but this still opens up some interesting considerations.

When To Overlook A Fault – “When you have been sinned against you have two options: to either lovingly cover or lovingly confront.” But how do you determine which is the appropriate course of action?

We should not be entertained by the sins for which Christ died. – John MacArthur