Coffee Break – 10.16.2017

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

On this day in history: In 1869, a hotel in Boston became the first in the U.S. to install indoor plumbing. In 1928, Marvin Pipkin received a patent for the frosted electric light bulb. And in 1958, Chevrolet introduced the El Camino, and created a cult classic that has captivated millions.

Coffee Break

How To Make Cascara Tea In A French Press – Occasionally, I enjoy making cascara, a tea made from the dried cherry pulp of a coffee bean. It has a distinct flavor, and it’s a very easy drink to make. You can use a French Press to do it in your own kitchen.

What Makes A Good Alarm Clock Sound? – You may never have thought of this, but a lot of work goes into creating the right sounds to wake up to.

Why Some Pages In A Book Are Intentionally Left Blank – I never knew this about books. But I have a use for these pages. I tend to “index” my notes and highlights, and a plank page or two is the perfect place to do so.

Iceland By Drone – One day, I want to visit Iceland. I love everything I have ever seen of this small island nation. This video is no different. Enjoy!

Today In Church History
Yale University, then called the Collegiate School, was founded on October 16, 1701, by Congregationalist ministers unhappy with the growing liberalism at Harvard. Read more about it here.

More Like Sherlock, Less Like Watson – This is a brief article, yet a great reminder to keep our focus on the main thing.

5 Reasons To Read The Bible When You Feel Absolutely Nothing – My daily routine includes a significant portion of time spent in God’s Word. Some days this is very moving. Other days, I feel like I hit a wall. Here are five things to keep in mind.

Why Are The Genealogies in Matthew And Luke Different? – I love the genealogies that depict the family tree of Jesus. I think it would be beneficial to memorize that list of names someday. But the two are very different. Here are a few views that offer some explanation for this.