Coffee Break – 11.13.2017

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

On this day in history: In 1789, Benjamin Franklin wrote a letter to a friend in which he said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” In 1940, the Walt Disney movie Fantasia had its world premiere at New York’s Broadway Theater. And in 1982, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated in Washington DC, at the end of a weeklong national salute to Americans who served in the Vietnam War.

Coffee Break

How To Make Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans – Why would you not want to do this? I’d leave off the coconut though.

Terrifying Creatures From The Deep Sea – A Russian fisherman caught and photographed a lot of strange things that he has found in the depths of the ocean. His photos are pretty intriguing.

How To Sleep – We live in a society that is fixated on productivity and effectiveness. As a result, we tend to deprive ourselves of sleep in order to accomplish more. But is that a good thing? This is a long article, but a very interesting look at sleep, and how it can affect our bodies and our lives.

How Does Your Body Know What Time It Is? – On the topic of sleep and wakefulness, this Ted Talk is also very interesting.

Today In Church History
Saint Devenick is one of those that have largely been lost to history. Traces of him linger in memory in the Scot counties of Sutherland and Caithness where he preached sometime between the sixth and ninth centuries; and in a town near Aberdeen where his body was laid to rest. He has long been honored on this day in church calendars of those areas. Read more about him here.

5 Ways Daily Bible Reading Impacts Your Life – This is from the True Woman website, but the principles are applicable for us all.

Wisdom For Reading The Proverbs – Many times, we tend to skim the book of Proverbs, because it seems too disjointed and disconnected, full of short individual bits and pieces. This article gives a few pointers for getting the most out of this book of wisdom. You might be surprised at just how valuable Proverbs can be for our lives today.

3 Reasons You Should Read The Whole Bible – A new year is just a few weeks away, and many people will be planning out their Bible reading schedules. In fact, I will have an updated 2018 plan available here as well. This article from Logos gives three reasons to read the whole Bible throughout the year. Although it has an ad offer at the end of it, the principles it lists are valuable ones.