One Word 2012

Last year, I adopted a single word that would be my theme word for the year.

One word…

…to live by.
…to think by.
…to underscore everything I did.

One Word 365

That word was Passion.

I factored that word into everything I did. At least I tried to do that.

I think I did pretty good most of the year. There were times I forgot the word, times I neglected to have passion. And I don’t have a good excuse for it. I was just lazy.

Having passion takes work. And sometimes I didn’t feel like working.

Reflecting on the past year and my attempts to accomplish so much led me to see what this year’s word needs to be.

This year might be a bit more tough.

This year might be difficult.

This year might strain me as I strive for this.

But I need it.

One Word Commit

I’ve noticed this in myself: I don’t always follow through. I start something and I let it fizzle out. Sometimes it’s because I’m simply busy. I have a very large family and a very active ministry within my church and community. I have a lot going on.

But often, I fail to finish what I started because I didn’t commit myself fully to the task.

It’s too easy to be lazy.

For example, this year I’ve decided to get a head start on my day by getting up an hour earlier. Not a huge decision, but it’s big for me. Instead of getting up at 8:00, I want to get up at 7:00 every day. That way, I can spend more quality time with God without feeling rushed before I get into the thick of things for the day.

This worked fine on Monday and Tuesday. But today, I changed my alarm at 6:55 back to 8:00. And then I laid there, not really sleeping, until it went off. It was a complete waste of an hour. I didn’t get up and use it like I wanted to. But I didn’t sleep well during that time either.

It was too easy to slip back into the old routine.

I need to solidify my commitment to this change, and to others in my life.

I need to commit.

So that’s the One Word that I’ll be keeping in front of me during 2012. That’s the only way I’ll be able to continue to grow in last year’s word as well.

I’m going to commit.

What one word do you need to live by this year? You can share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Find out more about One Word 365, and select your word to live by this year.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

8 thoughts on “One Word 2012

  1. Love the concept. I saw some others referring to it. I know the one word God has implanted on my heart for 2012 is the word Risk. Not the game ha! But the need to risk more. This is going to be a huge year of risk which I can’t talk about publically just yet. Soon though.

  2. Both passion and commitment are great words to have working in your life. I have one word I’m always trying to do, that word is discipline. Discipline to do the things I know I need to do. Great thoughts.

    • Discipline factors heavily into my word commit, at least in the ways I need to improve in it this year.

  3. After thinking about it for a little while, I knew it was ‘move’. Not just in my own life, but for God to move in my heart as well.

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