Coffee Break – 12.31.2012

Coffee Break

The Hario Drip Scale – I love brewing coffee with my Hario V-60. But I don’t have a great scale for measuring my water as I brew. My scales has an annoying self shut-off feature that occurs just as I need to see where I am. This scale shuts off after five minutes, eliminating that problem. However, selling for $70 puts it as slightly extravagant for my budget right now.

The Year In Numbers: 2012 – The Gospel Coalition takes a look at the numbers from the year.  With references to population, national debt, consumer debt, and other major items, as well as less mainstream stats, such as percentages of people who bought books, the salary of mega-church pastors and more, this list is eyeopening.

Abandoned Suitcases Reveal Private Lives of Insane Asylum Patients – Photographer Jon Crispin has journaled the finding of hundreds of abandoned suitcases belonging to deceased patients of the Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane. Ranging from the 1910s through the 1960s, these suitcases give a glimpse into the life of many that society deemed as a stigma upon society. These images are fascinating, saddening, and thought-provoking all at the same time.

4 Reasons Men Play Video Games – My wife cannot understand the allure of video games for our oldest son, as well as my own occasional fascination. The Some Wise Guy blog gives some insight into this subculture of a man’s life.

5 Reasons To Be A Morning Person – I have to admit, I never thought I’d be a morning person. In college, I swore to myself that a night owl was a much better persona than those disgustingly chipper morning people in my dorm. However, as I get older, I find that more of my productivity occurs earlier in the day. Claire Diaz-Ortiz takes a look at five reasons this is a good thing. Number four hit me as surprisingly true.

What Are 3 Common Areas Of Neglect In A Pastor’s Life? – Pastors are busy people. And there are many demands on our time. The Practical Shepherding blog take a look at three key areas that unfortunately get shoved aside in the busyness of life, and how you can go about making adjustments in these areas.

5 Signs You Glorify Self – Our society is increasingly “me-centered.” And that’s an issue that we must fight against, since Christ calls us to be others-centered. At The Gospel Coalition, Paul Tripp sees five areas that are tricky, and we fail in these areas more than we think. After reading this list, I know I’m watching myself more closely.

The man who has a why, can live through almost any how. – Victor Frankl (neurologist, psychiatrist, and Holocaust-survivor.)