Memorize Scripture: Psalm 119:105-108

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

In this new stanza of Psalm 119, titled Nun, the psalmist declares his delight in and love for God’s Law. This passage contains one of the most familiar portions of Psalm 119. You can see it for yourself in Psalm 119:105-108:

Psalm 119:105-108

Do you recall the story of the Exodus from Egypt? God led the Israelites out from under the harsh rule of the Egyptian Pharaoh, and protected the nation of Israel as they crossed the Red Sea. From there, he guided them though the wilderness, leading them with a pillar of cloud by day, and a column of fire by night, illuminating the way forward.

That is the image the psalmist gives us in this stanza, declaring that God’s Word lights our way. Of course, the psalmist uses the image of a lamp lighting the path, but the symbolism is clear: God’s Word provides the light and clarity that we need to see how to follow him clearly.

Clarity is something that we still need in our lives, no differently than in the days of the writer of these words. Our world is confused and clouded, darkness seems to pervade, and we need light shed on our way. We long for it, and it can be found in God’s Word.

In these verses, the psalmist gives us a few example of how God’s Word gives us the clarity we need to live for him in this world.

First, God’s Word provides clarity on the way that we should go. The image of a lamp lighting a path in verse 105 illustrates this vividly. Light exposes the way ahead, so that we can see it clearly enough to take the next step. Some suggest that the type of lamp that the psalmist is describing here is one that hangs on a chain to around the level of the knee. In such a position, it would only provide enough light to see the next step or two, not the whole path ahead. Often, that is just enough guidance to keep us from stumbling, and God provides us what we need to continue following him in faith, step by step.

Next, in verse 106, we need clarity in order to maintain righteous behavior. What the psalmist is referring to here is our sense of right and wrong. How can we know what is right or what is wrong? Only by the revealed moral authority found in the pages of Scripture. Knowing what is right is the first step in living rightly.

In verse 107, we see another way that God’s Word brings us clarity: in suffering. That may seem a bit odd to our ears, but when we stop to examine why suffering exists, and understand the consequences of the Fall in Genesis 3, we can better comprehend what God is doing to restore us to himself, and remove sin from our lives.

Some suffering is because of our wrong choices, and correction is needed. Other examples of suffering can be seen to be common to humanity, without any direct sin as the cause. But it all can be traced back to the Fall of man, and our sinful natures.

Finally, in verse 108, the psalmist gives us one other area where we need the clarity of light to shine. This is the aspect of our worship. This is not just a part of our Sunday morning church services. This has to be a lifestyle of worship that can be reflected in every single aspect of our lives.

What is interesting in this verse is the fact that the psalmist connects our worship with our need for an understanding of God’s laws. Our worship cannot truly be worship without some biblical depth to it. And so the psalmist asks God to accept his willing praise, and “to teach me your laws.”

When we begin to live more fully according to the Word of God, these areas, and more that are listed in the second half of this stanza, will become more and more like second nature to us as we strive to live out lives that are pleasing to God.

That might seem daunting, but the more we seek to live in such light, the easier it gets, and the more we experience the fullness of life that Jesus desires for us (John 10:10).

Question: In what ways do you need the light of God’s Word to shine in your lives? How can you seek more clarity in your life through the pages of Scripture? You can leave a comment by clicking here.