Making The Perfect Cup Of Coffee – Pour Overs

My favorite way to make coffee is by using a pour over. There are several ways to accomplish this easily, and you’ll have a great cup of coffee.

Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee - Pour Over

There are lots of ways to make coffee using the pour over method. However, there are three specific ways of doing so that I particularly love to use. And each one brings different aspects of the coffee’s flavor to the forefront. Each of these three methods are very similar, but because they effectively brew the coffee differently, different flavors and notes arise.

These three different pour overs are the Chemex, the Hario V60, and the Beehouse. Of the three, the Chemex is my favorite.

Basically, each of these methods are accomplished the same way, and the device itself does the brewing work. The inner surface of each is different, affecting the turbulence created during the brewing process. It is subtle, but the difference is there for the discerning taster.

During this explanation, I will use the point of view of the Chemex. But the process is largely the same for each method. Begin by bringing your water almost to the boiling point. Water boils at 212 degrees. You want it just a few degrees below this point.

Place a filter into the Chemex. I prefer using unbleached filters, simply because I don’t like the harsh chemical residue that can be tasted in the bleached filters. If using an unbleached filter, rinse it with your water after placing it into the Chemex. This washes out any paper flavor, and creates a suction between the paper and the glass, keeping the filter in place.

Coffee Break – 10.05.2015

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

On this day in history: In 1892, the Dalton gang performs their last robbery attempt in Coffeyville, KS. Four of the five members of the gang were killed by the townspeople. In 1969, “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” debuted on BBC television. And in 2011, Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Inc., dies at the age of 56.

Coffee Break

What Happens When You Drink Coffee In The Evening – We’ve all done it. We’ve all had that cup of coffee in the evening, and wondered why it kept us up all night. This article explains just what causes that and why it happens to us.

Watch A Mother Raccoon Teach Her Kit To Climb A Tree – National Geographic always has some of the best images and footage of nature. This video is pretty interesting to watch of a raccoon teacher her baby to climb.

Writing Tips – As a blogger, I am continually on the lookout for tools and resources that help me accomplish my goals in writing. Here are some great tips from Tim Challies on how to utilize these resources and be a better writer.

Patagonia – More than just an outdoor company, Patagonia is a real place in southern Chile and Argentina. And it is breathtakingly beautiful. This video gives some great views of this beautiful region.

Memorize Scripture: Philippians 2:27-28

Paul continues his thoughts about Epaphroditus in this week’s passage. He was sick, almost to the point of death, and Paul rejoices that God chose to spare his life.

You can see why in Philippians 2:27-28:

Philippians 2:27-28

Epaphroditus was sent by the Philippian church to assist Paul. This may have been intended to be a permanent situation, or at least a long term one. But his illness prevented that from happening, and Paul sends this brother and co-worker back to Philippi.

The illness Epaphroditus contracted was a serious one, leading almost to his death. The Philippian believers may not have know just how serious it was, even though they had received news that he was ill. Paul reinforces just how close to death Epaphroditus came before he recovered.

Paul attributes that recovery directly to the mercy of God, both for Epaphroditus and for Paul himself. For Epaphroditus, his recovery meant that he was now able to resume his efforts for the gospel. For Paul, this mercy took the form of saving him from the grief and sorrow of losing such a valuable coworker and friend. Paul already is suffering enough, being in prison, and the additional sorrow would be devastating.

Because of this, Paul is all the more eager and willing to send Epaphroditus home. And this results in his glowing praises offered in these verses. If Epaphroditus was supposed to stay and assist Paul, his return without completing that service would probably result in criticism from the church in Philippi.

Top Posts For September 2015

Summer has gone. Now, the weather is cooler, the trees are beginning to turn, football season is in full swing, and the pumpkin seeds my kids threw into the front flower beds have produced a few bright and shiny orange pumpkins. Fall is here.

Top Posts: September 2015

With fall comes a busy time of year. Summer activities have slowed down, but the fall is full of its own brand of busyness. Between school activities my kids are involved in, community events, and church programs, we have a full schedule leading into the holidays.

But it will be fun and enjoyable, and there will be some great opportunities for rest and relaxation mixed in as well.

Along with my recent diagnosis of sleep apnea a couple of months ago, the month of September brought with it another health scare. I have been diagnosed with skin cancer, and am scheduled for surgery later in October. Your prayers in that matter would be greatly appreciated.

With my various recent health challenges, I have made a conscious effort to scale back in many of the activities I am involved in, while remaining steady in what I can. In order to make time for some of these things, I have revised my writing schedule and reduced the amount of posts I attempt to complete each week and month. That is not a choice I am really happy with, but am convinced it is necessary right now.

National Coffee Day!

Mental Floss
Posted: September 29, 2015

Happy National Coffee Day! In the spirit of the day, the staff hung out in my office this morning, enjoying a Chemex of a nice Indian bean from a roaster in Florida. That was enjoyable.

And, to continue the spirit, here are a few enlightening facts about coffee from Mental Floss.