Memorize Scripture: 1 Peter 3:7

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

Peter shifts from his instructions to wives to speak to husbands in this week’s passage, and he gives some very specific directions. Take a look at what he says in 1 Peter 3:7.

1 Peter 3:7

Peter has been addressing the attitude of submission, specifically in three areas: submission to the governing authorities, submission of slave to their masters, and submission of wives to their husbands within the realm of marriage. I find it interesting that in two cases, these directions are one sided. Peter does not give any direction to the governing authorities, nor does he speak to the masters of the slave. But he does address the husbands in the third section.

In all three cases, Peter addresses the ones who were likely to experience oppression from those in authority over them. It was, and is, quite common for governments to persecute their people, for masters to abuse their slaves, and for husbands to treat their wives poorly. But out of the three, Peter gives some specific instructions only to the last one, the husband.

Peter’s instruction begins with an imperative here. Most English translations soften it simply because it is difficult to put in English smoothly, but it should be translated more along the lines of “live with your wives according to your knowledge of what God requires.” Husbands are to live with their lives, informed of how God requires them to live, informed with knowledge of God’s will. Why? Because the wife is the weaker vessel, the weaker partner.

OCC Preaching-Teaching Convention

Each year, I anticipate Ozarks Christian College’s Preaching-Teaching Convention. This was something that I attended as a student there, and have returned occasionally ever since. However, for the past few years, I haven’t missed it. It’s a great opportunity to refresh and refuel myself without a whole lot of expense.

First, it is close, and I have family in the area. That makes it an easy trip. Second, it is usually filled with top notch speakers and workshops, making it a great opportunity to refuel my soul. And third, I am able to reconnect with several friends that I don’t usually get to see all that often. That’s always fun

Any one of those reasons make it worthwhile to take in the Preaching-Teaching Convention. All three of them make it a no brainer.

I’ll be there through the middle of this week, making it a short week at home. I’ll probably write a little less than normal as a result. Things should get back to normal next week though.

In the meantime, I’d appreciate your prayers for me as I travel, and as I take in some much needed refreshing.

OCC Preaching-Teaching 2017

OCC Preaching-Teaching 2017 Speakers

One of my favorite regions of the US is the American Southwest. I love the terrain, I love the mountain, and the desert, and I love the weather. Here’s a video of the ever-changing weather in Arizona showing just how magnificent this region is.

Book Review – A Harvest Of Thorns by Corban Addison

A Harvest of ThornsI love reading a good legal thriller. It’s one of my favorite genres, and I have found several authors that I really enjoy. When I saw A Harvest Of Thorns, is seemed to be right up my alley, and I anticipated getting into it.

The story line was good, maybe even great. It’s a story based on the reality of sweat shops and slave labor, and addresses the rights of workers in developing countries who make the products we find on our shelves. It’s a novel that drives home a point. While it’s fiction, the individuals found within it could easily be real people. Their situations are not that different.

However, there was one glaring stain that ruined the whole book for me. More than a dozen times, the book used profanity. Now, before you accuse me of being overly sensitive, I have read plenty of material that contains such vocabulary. And I’m generally not offended. However, in this case, the publisher is Thomas Nelson, a Christian publisher, and I expected to find a story that was free of this kind of stuff. In that, I was greatly disappointed.

Very often, my kids ask to read my books. And very often, I let them read them, especially when they are books that are clean. This is one I will not be letting my kids read. And I’m severely disappointed by that fact.

Coffee Break – 02.13.2017

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

On this day in history: In 1880, Thomas Edison observed what became known as the Edison Effect for the first time. In 1991, On this day, Sotheby’s announced the discovery of a long-lost manuscript of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. And in 2000, Charles M. Schulz’s last original Sunday Peanuts comic strip appeared in newspapers. Schulz had died the day before.

Coffee Break

Second Wave Coffee – Second wave coffee took the coffee industry to a whole new level. And it changed the way we view, and drink, this wonderful beverage.

The Most Oddly Named Town In Each State – I live in the Midwest. We have some very oddly named towns. But it seems like we aren’t the only ones…

12th Dead Sea Scrolls Cave Discovered In Israel – While no scrolls were found in this cave, it does show that there were more than what was originally found, and implies that there could still be more yet, waiting to be found.

The World’s Strangest Borders – Ever wonder why some states and some countries are shaped the way they are? This video gives some insight into that.