Memorize Scripture: Philippians 3:7

Paul began the third chapter of Philippians by expressing how there is no use for confidence in the flesh. In the previous verses, he listed his own accomplishments, but here he makes it clear just how little it matters.

See it for yourself in Philippians 3:7:

Philippians 3:7

Paul’s language in this passage borrows language from the financial world, and he expresses things in terms of “profit” and “loss.” He will continue using this terminology in verse 8 as well.

What he has accomplished in life, which he recounted in verses 4-6, he now puts in the clearest light possible. What the world sees as an exquisite list of achievements, Paul places in the “loss” column.

It is interesting to note that Paul uses the plural form for the word “profit.” It is as if he takes his list of accomplishments and reviews them one by one, just as a miser hoards his pennies. Then Paul uses the singular form of the word “loss.” All of those achievements, Paul lumps together into one pile and casts it aside.

And he does not merely set it aside and forget about it, he views it as a liability, and regards it with disgust!

It is worth noting that he does not regard these things as simply valueless, but as such in comparison to Christ. In other words, many of his accomplishments were significant, and not to be taken lightly. But when compared to Christ, they paled so much in significance as to be almost worthless.

The same things is true for us today. All the things I achieve, no matter what they are, do hold value. But when they are held up next to Christ, they seem diminished. This is not because they are valueless, but because Christ is so very valuable.

For example, one of the things we tend to venerate in our culture is higher education. Many pursue a Master’s degree or even a Doctorate. And these are worthwhile goals. But compared to knowing Christ, they are not even on the scale. Knowing Christ surpasses all of our accomplishments, no matter what they are.

The problem comes when we forget this. The problem comes when we hold these earthly achievements too closely.

And we do this all the time. We humans have a tough time keeping idolatry at bay.

Paul’s reminder here is that Christ is enough. By far, he is enough.

Question: What are you tempted to hold too closely? How can you remind yourself that Christ is enough? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

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2 thoughts on “Memorize Scripture: Philippians 3:7

  1. Thank you for this. It’s so much easier to commit verses to memory when you are able to break down these passages and truly understand what they mean!

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