Reading God’s Word

Developing A Love For The Bible

I have recently been convicted concerning the idea of developing passion in my life as a believer. Such a passion has to be rooted in God’s Word.

God's Word and Coffee

Hebrews 4:12 gives us an incredible insight into the Word of God, and God’s own view of it:

For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

Did you notice the very beginning of that verse? God’s Word is living. If the Bible was a dead book, I would be able to read it once, and would never need to read it again. But it is a living Word. And every time I read it, I experience new and different things in it. As I read in it now, I am in a different place in my spiritual walk than I was the last time I might have read any given passage.

And since it is living, it has the power to work within my life and change me. God, through his Holy Spirit, will nudge me to change the things that he points out to me from reading his Word.

Each time I read this book, I find something new to me that I may never have noticed before. And I may not have ever noticed it before because I was not spiritually ready for that particular piece of Truth. And there are things that I am not ready for even yet. But I may be tomorrow, or next week, or next year, as I continue to grow.

God uses his Word, and his Holy Spirit, to reveal truth to me. It is up to me to apply that truth. And when I do, I grow. I grow in my faith. I grow as a disciple. And I grow in my passion.

This is why I find it necessary to expose myself to every portion of God’s Word at least once every year, and many parts of it more than once. This is why I encourage others to read the Bible daily, and to stay rooted in it. The more we understand the Word of God, the more we understand and know God himself. And the more we know him, the more we grow in our relationship with him.

It’s really that simple.

And it’s really that necessary.

Reading God’s Word fuels our passion for him. And as our passion grows, so does our effectiveness for him, as he uses us to build his Kingdom. And I want to be as useful to him as I can possibly be.

I highly encourage you to spend some time reading God’s Word on a daily basis. Start simple maybe. But start! If you are looking for a place to begin, turn to one of the Gospels, like John, and read about Jesus. Or, you can use the Daily Bible Reading Plan that I have created. You can get it for free here.

However you might go about it, spend some time reading God’s Word on a daily basis. It will help you develop a passion like nothing else can.

Question: What is your favorite passage or book in the Word of God? Why do you like it so much? You can leave a comment by clicking here.