Memorize Scripture: Philippians 2:19-20

Paul moves into one of the longest personal passages in Philippians, and yet he still uses this personal information to exhort the Philippian believers.

You can see the beginning of these personal remarks in Philippians 2:19-20:

Philippians 2:19-20

Paul loves the Philippian church. They were instrumental in supporting his ministry, and maintaining him while he was imprisoned. This church sent financial gifts, and even sent people to assist Paul, Epaphroditus, who delivered the financial gifts they sent (4:18).

As a result, he shares a lot of personal information with them, interspersed throughout the letter. Typically, he would wait until the end of the letter to do so, as he does in most of his other letters to churches. But here, there are several sections within the body of the letter that show his heart more fully.

First of all, Paul expects to send Timothy to the church in Philippi soon. Timothy was his son in the faith, and was a steady help to Paul throughout his life and ministry. Paul also commissioned Timothy to serve the church, and wrote two letter instructing him, 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy. Paul relies on Timothy heavily, especially now that he cannot visit the church in Philippi himself, at the moment. Yet he does expect to be released, as we can see in verse 24.

Timothy’s task for now is to gather information and news about the church in Philippi and bring it back to Paul. Paul was very likely concerned about how his instruction was taken by the church, and how the problems were being resolved. And, by sending Timothy, he had a competent person in place to help instruct the church in such areas.

Top Posts For August 2015

It is crazy to think that summer has come and gone. School has started, and we are moving back into the routine that we find ourselves in for most of the year.

Top Posts: August 2015

August was a month that was very different than most of the year for me. There was a lot going on that is outside of the norm, both personally and professionally.

This summer, I was diagnosed as having sleep apnea. As a result, I was given a CPAP machine, and I am having a difficult time getting used to it. I wonder if it is causing me more problems than giving help, and have been tempted to stop using it at times. Add to that the soft summer we have experienced, and the fact that my allergies are still responding to something, and my sleep has still been suffering.

On top of that, my oldest daughter has experienced a busier schedule this year, as a Junior in high school. She has been selected by her peers as a part of the Homecoming Court, and as a co-captain of her cheerleading squad. She has also elected to take some very hard courses this year, and is doing well with them so far. I am very proud of her efforts and involvement in the school and the community.

The rest of my kids are much the same, busy, involved, and loving it.

On the professional side of things, our newly hired worship minister has not been able to make ends meet on the part time basis that we can offer. As a result, he has submitted his resignation, and we are searching for someone to fulfill that role again.

Coffee Break – 08.31.2015

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

Coffee Break Banner

On this day in history: In 1852, the first pre-stamped envelopes were created with legislation of the U.S. Congress. In 1887, the kinetoscope was patented by Thomas Edison. The device was used to produce moving pictures. And in 1920, John Lloyd Wright was issued a patent for “Toy-Cabin Construction,” which are known as Lincoln Logs. These are important events!

Leaf Paintings Made With Coffee Leftovers – It is becoming something of a fad to create art with coffee. I find this both intriguing and disappointing. Intriguing because of people and their creativity. Disappointing because it seems some are just jumping on bandwagons. This artist, however, is especially creative.

Being The Best Dressed Man – I enjoy looking my best. I love looking as good as I possibly can. Sometimes, though, it can be intimidating, and I’m not sure why, really. But at least I know I’m not alone in this. This article acknowledges that fear and gives some encouragement in that regard.

Bizarre Objects Owned By Henry VIII – This famous British king held an eccentric collection of some of the strangest things. Purple velvet bagpipes? Really?

Industrial Light And Magic Celebrated 40 Years! – Earlier this year, ILM celebrated their anniversary. This video shows 40 years of special effects in about a minute. Pretty impressing how cutting edge ILM has always been. And I’m sure they will continue to be.

Memorize Scripture: Philippians 2:17-18

In the previous couple of verses, Paul expressed his desire to boast about the faith of the Philippian believers. As he finishes this paragraph in this week’s passage, you can see the urgency in his wish.

Take a look at this week’s passage in Philippians 2:17-18:

Philippians 2:17-18

Paul uses imagery here that is very vivid. He compares his life to being poured out like a drink offering. It is generally believed that he is speaking about his own forthcoming death. It is doubtful if he means an execution, because in verse 24, he expresses hope that he will soon be released.

That means that his terminology here is more along the lines of “even if.” He has run the race. He has labored. And he is willing to die if necessary for the sake of the gospel.

He uses an Old Testament image as a means to illustrate this. A drink offering was something that accompanied a sacrifice, and was to be poured out on the altar, or at the base of it (See 2 Kings 16:13 for an example). In this case, the sacrifice stems from the faith of the Philippians, and Paul is willing to be the drink offering partnered with that sacrifice, if necessary.

It is noteworthy to remember that a drink offering was not worth anything on its own. It was to always accompany a regular sacrifice. What Paul is implying here is that the faith of the Philippian believers is what makes his offering valid. Without their faith, his efforts are in vain.

Pursuing Passion

I have become increasingly aware of my need to be more passionate in my life. And by passion, I mean my passion for Jesus Christ.


Several years ago, I was challenged to begin journaling as a key discipline in my spiritual life. Over the years, this has taken many forms. One of the more exuberant efforts was a journal I put together with several different categories, such as Bible reading, Bible study, memorization, prayer lists and forms, and more.

Now, each of these different disciplines were crucial, and I still believe that they are. But attempting them in that fashion did nothing but discourage me, and many of them didn’t last long.

Regardless, I still felt, and still feel, the need to become more passionate in my walk with Jesus. But how do I do that?

What I didn’t understand then, and have begun to learn now, is that discipline, for discipline’s sake, will never be effective. Discipline needs to happen in order to draw nearer to God.