16 Things You Can Do To Beat The Blahs

I have had one of the craziest summers of my life!

Man Hanging His Head In Despair

I’ve been busy with summer church camps. I served at three different weeks at our camp, and was on the schedule for a fourth but couldn’t make it.

I traveled to west Texas and back for a friends wedding… in 48 hours.

I experienced the deaths of both my father and step-father… on the same day. And, of course, both funerals took precedence over my final week of church camp.

I led 24 teens and adults on a mission trip to the White Mountain Apache Nation, near Show Low, AZ.

It’s been a busy, crazy summer.

Outside of the deaths in the family, this summer schedule is pretty normal for me. As a youth minister, I find summer to be the busiest part of the year.

As a result, when August rolls around, I’m ready for a break. I’m worn out. I’m overwhelmed. I’m exhausted.

And I just feel…. blah.

This year, that feeling is even more intense with the depth of loss piled on top of everything.

So I’ve put together a list of things that I’ve found helpful in beating the blahs.

  1. Run away from your moods. When you recognize that you are in a funk, intentionally run away from it. Make it a point to eliminate this attitude from your day.
  2. Celebrate the good. My summer has been so hectic and traumatic. One way to get past that is to celebrate the great things that have happened. Positive thinking can have a huge impact on both your attitude and energy.
  3. Boost your energy. Exercise. Run. Bike. Walk. Hike. Whatever. Exercise can help. My personal favorite is geocaching. It gets me out and moving. I find it relaxing, and yet mentally challenging as well.
  4. Treat yourself to a snack. Make it a comfort food. Or choose a healthier option. Either one is ok. The point here is not to gorge yourself, but to eat something you enjoy in order to help change your attitude.
  5. Read a good book. Grab a great story, or something inspiring. Or sit down with your Bible for a while. Just a suggestion… don’t read Lamentations at a time like this.
  6. Appreciate something beautiful. Step outside and look around. Look at the sunset, the clouds, the leaves on the trees, the butterfly that just floated past. Enjoy the beauty of your surroundings.
  7. Release your emotions. It’s ok to cry if you need to.
  8. Talk to a friend. Grab a trusted friend and go to lunch. Let them know how you are feeling. They may have some great suggestions. And if not, at least you know someone is there to lean on. That in itself can be a huge help.
  9. Do something for someone else. One of the best ways to change a bad attitude into a better one is to look beyond yourself and help someone else. Trust me; this works.
  10. Spruce yourself up. Dress sharper. If you look good, you’ll soon start to feel good.
  11. Journal it. Write down how you are feeling, and be detailed. It may be helpful to step back and look at the big picture. Plus, later, you can see how God stepped in and changed things.
  12. Listen to some inspiring music. Music has the power to lift you up. Turn on something positive and encouraging. My personal choice is Howard Shore’s film score to the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
  13. Do something different. Step out of your normal routine. Do something you don’t normally do. Changing things up a bit can be helpful.
  14. Laugh. Nothing can lift your spirits like a good laugh. Go find someone who can make you laugh. Watch a funny TV show. Read a few great jokes. Spend time with your kids, watching them. My kids are a constant source of smiles and laughter for me.
  15. Rest. Sometimes the best thing you can do is rest and relax for a while.
  16. Look for balance in your life. Try to eliminate things that elicit the negative; focus on the things that bring more positive thoughts and attitudes.

The blahs are normal. Everyone experiences them. In fact, they may even be somewhat beneficial. They can be an indicator that you need to slow down or stop. They can indicate that it’s time for a break from the steady routine of life.

But the blahs can be beat. This list is just the beginning. I know there are many, many more things that can help overcome the blahs. These are just some of the things that I’ve found to work in my life. Give them a shot. Maybe they can help you as well.

What do you do to beat the blahs? You can share your thoughts in the comments section below.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “16 Things You Can Do To Beat The Blahs

    • Great additions, Steven!

      I love hanging out with my kids! They are at the age now where I can do so much with them. I went on a 2 mile hike with two of my older kids yesterday through the Mark Twain National Forest. Great times!

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