Believing In Miracles

We started a new series this week in our youth ministry. Over the next few weeks, we are taking a look at several of the miracles that Jesus performed during his time on this earth.

As I read through many of the miracles found in the Gospels, I started asking myself several questions.

Water To Wine

I’ve read each of these accounts before. In fact, using the Bible Reading System I’m currently experimenting with, I’ve read them several times this year alone.

But reading them all together has allowed me to see them a bit differently.

And it brought to mind some hard questions.

Have you ever seen a miracle?

I’m not talking “natural” miracles, like sunsets or butterflies or newborns. We tend to overuse the word, throwing it around everywhere, effectively neutralizing its real definition. No, I’m talking about the real thing. I’m talking about a miracle like Jesus performed. Water turned into wine. A storm calmed. Blind eyes opened. The dead raised.

I know these things still happen. I know God is still working powerfully. I just don’t think we see them as often as we used to. At least here in America, that is.

I have a few friends who are missionaries. One is in China. Another is in Africa. The stories I hear from them give me chills. People are experiencing miracles like crazy, and it sound very New Testament-ish.

But I don’t see that happening as much here in America. And I’m asking myself why.

I think I may have the answer, or part of the answer, at least.

Faith. Or, rather, the lack of faith.

Now before you jump down my throat, defending your faith, hear me out.

I think it comes down to faith.

Take China, for example. Christianity is spreading like wildfire, according to the reports I’m hearing from several missionary connections. And miracles are happening so often, they seem commonplace. Why?

Where is this happening? Mainly in rural China. Where people don’t have much. And when they have a need, their only resort is to trust God. And he comes through.

But here, we don’t have to trust God so much, do we? I mean, we have our savings accounts, and our insurance policies, and our 401(k)s… We have so many safety nets, we don’t allow God a chance to come through for us.

Can you see it?

We’ve eliminated the need to trust God in our American faith. “Thanks God, but I’ve got this.”

So what can we do about it?

I’m not sure I have the answer to that one.

What I do know is this: we are going to have to let go of our “stuff” and trust in God to provide.

I’m not saying that we shouldn’t have our savings or insurance or retirement accounts. I believe that having those things is wise stewardship. But trusting in those things trivializes our faith.

So, the question I’m left with is this: How do we revitalize our faith, as a nation? And how do I, as an individual?

Because I want to see miracles, Book of Acts style.

Have you ever seen a miracle? Do you think our materialistic tendencies prevent us from seeing miracles more? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.