Book Review – The Lie by Ken Ham

The Lie:  Evolution/Millions Of YearsIf you’ve been around my blog for very long at all, you may know that I love the first few chapters of Genesis, including the creation account, Noah’s flood, and the tower of Babel. I believe that a proper understanding of these foundational chapters provide the structure needed to correctly understand the rest of Scripture.

My wife and I were very close to joining a creation-based ministry a few years ago, in fact. So this area is one that I am pretty passionate about.

If you were to look at my library in my office, you would see dozens of books and other resources on the topics of Genesis and creation. But somehow, The Lie: Evolution/Millions Of Years by Ken Ham is a book I missed along the way. When I was asked to review the 25th anniversary edition, I jumped at the chance to add this work to my shelf.

And I was not disappointed. Ken Ham, of Answers In Genesis, has done a great job presenting the deep deception that we are operating under when we accept the idea of evolution and millions of years of earth history.

Originally written in 1987, the new edition is revised, updated and expanded to keep it relevant to readers a quarter of a century later.

Ken Ham starts off explaining the conflict. Christianity and the authority of God is under attack by humanism, and the essence of the conflict is simply God’s Word versus man’s word. In today’s world, tolerance is key, unless it’s Christianity were talking about. At that point, tolerance goes out the window and Christians are accused of being bigoted, uneducated, and backwards.

The Bible is under attack. Here’s why I think that is: If man was not created, if we evolved, then there is no God in the picture. Without God, then there is no need for the Bible, which is his Word. Without that authoritative Word, then I can accept anything I want to accept, without guilt or consequence. If we reject the very foundations of God’s Word, and push it aside as myth and claim that it can’t be true, then there is nothing to hold up my faith in any other area of life.

If part of God’s Word isn’t true, then none of it can be trusted.

And that’s exactly where we are in the 21st century. We have accepted the authority of fallen, fallible man over the truth of God and his Word.

While most of what I enjoy reading when it comes to creation is more evidence based, such as fossils, astronomy and much more, Ken Ham doesn’t even broach those types of topics in The Lie. He has correctly identified the very root of the issue, and has clearly detailed where we are and where we’re headed.

Ken Ham even included chapters discussing how to include the foundational issue of creation into evangelistic efforts, and pastoral care, wrapping up the book with a glimpse of what is to come when Christ returns. God’s Word is comprehensive from beginning to end, and it all ties together incredibly well.

With my passion for creation, there wasn’t a whole lot here that I didn’t already know, or that I haven’t already read in other books, articles and blogs. However, The Lie is very well written, and the logic of creation over the idea of evolution is clearly presented.

It’s about time I added this to my library. I think you should pick up a copy as well.

Have you read The Lie? If so, what did you think? If not, what is your favorite book on the foundational topic of creation? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

If you are interested in reading The Lie: Evolution/Millions Of Years, by Ken Ham, you can purchase it at in print or for Kindle.

Disclosure of Material Connection:
I received this book free from New Leaf Press/Master Books as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Also, some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links”. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will add value to my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.