Changing To A Standing Desk

Not too long ago, I posted an infographic describing the problems with sitting too much.

In that post, I mentioned that I was going to make the transition to a standing desk.

I did. And so far, I love it.

Here are a few photos of my office now.

Office 01

Office 02

Office 03

I used to collect Mountain Dew memorabilia. Most of that has been eliminated, since I eliminated soda from my diet a few year ago. But I still have a couple of pieces I need to replace, like the Mountain Dew shelves you can see in one of the pictures.

As for the standing desk, I’ve been using it since December 16th, which is almost exactly a month.

The first few days, my lower legs and feet were pretty sore. I simply wasn’t accustomed to standing for so long. But over the past few weeks, I’ve become better adjusted to standing.

I’m also pretty tired at the end of a day of standing, more tired than I was after a day of sitting. I know this is translating into more calories burned. I’m looking forward to seeing more long-term results.

But, I also have a place to sit and work when needed:

The Relaxation Station

And a way to enjoy some of the finer coffees in life:

The Coffee Bar

All in all, I am very satisfied with my choice to replace my desk with a standing desk. And with the thick padding under my office carpet, and some good shoes, it won’t be long until my body completely adjusts to standing for a large portion of the workday.

Do you stand or sit for the majority of your day? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

4 thoughts on “Changing To A Standing Desk

  1. I remember that post. It’s an interesting statistic. At my workplace, we sit most of the day but we are able to get up and wander around. It’s not the ideal situation but it’s better than being forced to sit for 8+ hours a day.

    • I have made the switch in both places. I use the one at the office much more often, but I haven’t looked back at all. Love it!

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