Coffee Break – 01.28.2019

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

On this day in history: In 1878, the first telephone switchboard was installed in New Haven, CT. In 1922, the National Football League (NFL) franchise in Decatur, IL, transferred to Chicago. The team took the name Chicago Bears. And in 1986, the U.S. space shuttle Challenger exploded just after takeoff. All seven of its crew members were killed.

Coffee Break

Today Is National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day!
Pop. Pop. Pop. Poppoppoppoppop!

Creative Uses For Old Coffee Grounds – Here’s a video that gives you some creative ideas for those soggy grounds that we all throw away.

A Man’s Guide To Dress Shirt Color And Pattern – I like to dress up occasionally, and kind of enjoy it. I do not have a job where it is required daily though. For those that do, this is a helpful guide.

Of Friends And Brothers – This was a very inspiring story. Kind of makes me want to take a DNA analysis…

Carnival Scam Science – And How To Win – As a kid, I loved the carnival games. But I never really stopped to consider just how weighted they are in favor of the carnival. This video exposes them for what they are, and tells you which ones you might be able to win.

Yesterday In Church History
On January 27, 417, Pope Innocent I sent communication to North Africa, serving a heavy blow to the heretical teachings of Pelagius, condemning and excommunicating him from the church. Read more about him here.

My 7 Least Productive Habits – I have suffered from a few of these over the years. I have learned to be more proactive in regard to some of these. For instance, Tuesday is my day for the major potion of my weekly sermon prep. I have learned to shut the door and ask that I not be disturbed during these hours. It has greatly benefited my study.

What “One Little Word” Will Fell Satan? – I was really curious going into this article, and was intrigued to see what I might find. And while I don’t know the hymn that he is referring to, I found the whole article to be an encouragement.

Why Shouldn’t We Trust The Non-Canonical Gospel Attributed To Mark? – I have heard people question why many other early writing are not part of the biblical canon. And while there are specific details concerning each one and why it should be rejected, many of them are overlapping. This rebuttal of The Secret Gospel of Mark can be applied to many. Spend your time in what we know to be true, not spurious claims to truth.

Ten Unfair Expectations Of Pastors’ Wives – We have heard some of these statements in our own experiences in ministry, and I am amazed every time. Though brief, it’s worth thinking about.

When Kids Won’t Bow To Your Idols – So much of this article hits really close to home. It provides a much needed refreshing of perspective. At least it did for me.