Coffee Break – 02.10.2014

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Bulletproof Coffee – I’ve been hearing the term “bulletproof coffee” thrown around a lot recently. I decided to look around, find a recipe that I like and give it a go. This is the best taste I’ve found so far. I have several bottles of sunflower seed oil around. I wonder if that would taste any different?

Reflections – Tom Hussey has created a series of photographs of elderly people standing in front of a mirror. The reflection in the mirror, however, is of their younger selves. This is extremely creative and thought provoking.

The Search For The Lost Marines Of Tarawa – During WWII, more than 500 Marines died on the tiny Pacific island of Tarawa. Most of them are still there, buried in unidentified locations. Mark Noah has made it his life mission to find and bring home those men who gave their lives for their country so far away from home. This article is very inspiring.

When To Hold Your Tongue – Although this is found on the True Woman website, the principles here are applicable to either gender. And probably should be required reading for most of us…

Bible Translations And Bible Reading – One of the discussions I have a lot centers around how close the English Bible is to the original languages. Some are very literal (NASB), others are more of a loose paraphrase (NLT). So how do I know which one would be the best to read? This post gives some insight into that question, and provides a helpful flowchart of Bible translations.

5 Reasons We Should Preach Expositional Messages – This brief post is simply the notes from a lecture by Hershael York. While I wish the post went into more details about each point, this is good food for thought.

How To Be A Great Dad – I never expected to get fatherly advice from the Huffington Post, but this article does just that. It gives several different ways dads have been great dads, inspiring you and I to do the same for our kids.

Like farmers we need to learn that we cannot sow and reap the same day. – Anonymous

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