Coffee Break – 03.17.2014

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French Press Coffee – I typically use a Chemex for my coffee brewing. I enjoy the way it allows more of a taste of the bean in the coffee, and filters out most of the oils released during the roasting process. However, if you want to taste those oils, as I do occasionally, a French press or press pot is an excellent tool to keep handy. This article gives you ten steps to follow to make sure your press is creating the best coffee possible.

Who Was St. Patrick? – Today is the day we all wear green. But just who was this guy that the day was named after? This brief video by Rose Publishing gives an excellent overview.

Surreal Photoshop Masterpieces – Ionut Caras is a photoshop master! An excellent photographer in his own right, he takes his shots and makes them surreal in almost believable ways. Incredible art! Check out more on Where Cool Things Happen and ChurchMag.

It’s OK To Write In Your Books – I almost always read with a few pens handy (Pigma Microns and a Hi-Tec C Coleto) and a couple of highlighters (Avery yellow and pink). I make lots of notes in my books and refer back to them frequently. I also create my own index of pertinent notes on those blank pages found at the back of most books as well. This post on the Patheos blog gives five reasons why you should write in your books.

Pascal’s Method For Presenting The Christian Faith – I found this to be very enlightening. One of the things that I believe we fail at in the church today, at least in the US, is effective evangelism. Too many people simply don’t share their faith with others. And while Pascal’s method outlined here might not be the best approach for everyone, it’s better than no approach at all, don’t you think?

10 Reasons To Avoid Sexual Immorality – Our culture has made “loose living” an acceptable norm. From a passage from Proverbs, this article by Peter Krol identifies ten reasons to avoid immorality. This wisdom is needed now more than ever.

The uncreative mind can spot wrong answers, but it takes a creative mind to spot wrong questions. – Sir Antony Jay