Coffee Break – 04.04.2016

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

On this day in history: In 1818, a plan was passed by the U.S. Congress that the U.S. flag would have 13 red and white stripes and 20 stars and that a new star would be added for the each new state. In 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is fatally shot while standing on the balcony outside his second-story room in Memphis, Tennessee. And in 1974, Hank Aaron tied Babe Ruth’s major league baseball home-run record with 714.

Coffee Break

The Rafino – Coffee grinders have largely stayed the same over the years. There have been a few innovations, and they are great additions that help you keep your coffee grind consistent. The Rafino is a coffee refining system that delivers the most consistent grind with micron level precision. I’m seriously considering backing this on Kickstarter.

Government Reverses Its Course on Highway Fonts – Most people probably would never notice this change, but I found it fascinating.

A Quiz : The Letter G – The Good Book Company has been releasing a few quizzes such as this. These are fun and show that you probably know more about the Bible than you think you do.

How We Got To Third Wave Coffee – The term “third wave coffee” may be something you are unfamiliar with, but should be something you know. This is currently the best coffee available. And before you start thinking it’s to “pricey,” look into it. It’s not as expensive as many assume it to be.

Today In Church History
On April 4, 397, governor-turned-bishop Ambrose died, making such an impression on the public that five bishops could hardly cope with all the people who requested to be baptized the next day. Read more about him here.

A Sky Unsullied By Clouds – What a find! Imagine digging through your attic and coming across a letter written by William Wilberforce. This is something worth treasuring.

20 Leadership Tips In Tweet Length – Want to sound witty on Twitter? Here are some great leadership tips, worth listening to in their own right, that are the right length to tweet. You’re welcome.

How Your Habits Show And Shape Your Heart – “Our habits are windows into the deep things of our souls.” Kind of sounds like something Jesus would have said, right? (Luke 6:45)