Coffee Break – 04.07.2014

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How Does Caffeine Work? – Have you ever wondered just how that cup of coffee gets you going in the morning? It doesn’t do exactly what most people think it does.

If The World Were Only 100 People – This is an interesting study of percentages that puts our world into perspective a bit more clearly, especially if large numbers are vague concepts to you, like they are for a lot of people.

People Powered Front Pages – What would the paper look like if the readers got to select the news instead of the editors? This is an interesting study. It seems what we want to hear and what we are being fed are not the same thing.

The Passion Week Infographic – With Easter right around the corner, a lot of people are focused on the final days of Jesus. This infographic cross references every event of the week throughout the four gospels and gives a timeline. Pretty fascinating.

God’s Not Dead – With several new movies taking the Christian Facebook world by storm, we are left to ask a few questions: Are they really all they are cracked up to be? Here’s a review that I find to be pretty detailed and comprehensive of one recent movie.

5 Things We Teach Our Kids When We Don’t Know They’re Watching – One thing I’ve noticed as a parent: My kids are continually watching me. Sometimes that is fine. Other times, I’d prefer that they hadn’t heard that or seen that. Here are five different things our kids pick up from us when we may not even be aware that they are paying attention.

Our society finds truth too strong a medicine to digest undiluted. In its purest form, truth is not a polite tap on the shoulder. It is a howling reproach. – Ted Koppel