Coffee Break – 04.21.2014

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Keep Calm And Brew On – The perfect cup of coffee may seem to be elusive, but it’s not as difficult to achieve as most people think. In fact, if you know what to do, you can get an incredible cup of coffee almost every time you brew. This post explains several methods that can help you in your quest.

8 Brilliant Scientific Screw-ups – Have you ever wonder where certain things were discovered or invented? It seems that not everything was intentional. This post gives eight examples of things that were discovered by accident.

How The Secret Police Tracked My Childhood – Eastern Europe during much of the twentieth century was a dangerous place to live. This article from the BBC News describes the story of one family from Romania, who lived in protest of their government.

3 Ways To Recognize Bad Stats – I’ve been told that 87.3% of all statistics are completely made up. What that may be tongue in cheek, the reality is that many of the statistics that get thrown around, about almost anything, aren’t completely accurate. Ed Stetzer gives three tips on how to recognize bad stats.

When Evangelism Is Like Baseball – A lot of the Christians I know get discouraged and give up on evangelism, because they don’t seem to be effective at it. But the goal of sharing your faith may not be to hit it out of the park every time like some steroid-pumped superstar. What if it’s more like hitting a series of singles and just getting on base consistently? That wins baseball games, and it might just be an effective strategy in winning people to Christ.

7 Tips For A Happy Christian Marriage – I am always watching for ways to improve and maintain my marriage. No matter what anyone may try to tell you, developing a wonderful marriage takes effort and work. Here are seven tips from a couple who made it more than six decades so far.

Nothing is so embarrassing as watching someone do something that you said could not be done. – Sam Ewing