Coffee Break – 04.22.2013

Coffee Break

The Unseen Bean – This is a pretty cool story about a guy who is visually impaired. But that didn’t stop him from roasting his own coffee, and opening his own business to sell it. It’s pretty inspiring.

Identities – Photography Served has developed a unique approach to portrait photography. In this collection of shots, a photo from years ago is replicated today, and the subject even is posed like they were in the older shot. Some of these photos have an age gap of over 60 years!

The World’s Largest Water Mosaic – I love seeing people’s creativity. While I wonder how some people have the time to accomplish projects like this one, it’s still fun to watch.

Seven Things To Pray For Your Children – As a dad, I pray for my children all the time, for little things like bumps and scrapes to bigger things like their faith, their future marriage, and more. This article lists several scriptural reasons to pray for your kids.

How Many Hours Should Pastors Work? – The ministry is an easy place to hide laziness. I’ve known several ministers who fit this description. But it’s also a place where one can easily become a workaholic. Neither is healthy. This is a great look at the expectations we have on those in ministry, and looks closely at the validity of those expectations.

Seven Traits Of False Teachers – This article helps to understand the subtle differences between the true and the false teachers in the church today. Based on 2 Peter 1 and 2, this reveals the differences between the two, and how to recognize false teaching.

The early Christians did not say ‘look what the world is coming to!’ but ‘look what has come into the world!’ – Carl F. H. Henry