Coffee Break – 04.28.2014

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Coffee Or Tea? – I’m a coffee drinker, but I enjoy a good tea once in a while too. My favorite is a green tea blend called Boulder Blues from The Next Page bookstore in Frisco, Colorado. Looking at this map, though, tea is an unknown delicacy in the US, while coffee is scarce in Asia.

When Big Cities Turn Off Their Lights – I’ve always wondered what it might be like to live in a time before there was electricity. What does God’s creation look like without all of our light pollution? This series of photographs explores that idea. They are pretty cool looking images.

How To Shoot Slow Motion Video With An iPhone 5s – As a hobbyist photographer, I’ve found that one of my most widely used tools is the camera on my iPhone. They’ve come a long way, and there is a lot you can do with one, including capturing some great slow-mo footage.

The Preacher’s Cheat Sheet – This has been incredibly helpful for me as I plan a weekly message for a wide variety of listeners.

You Can’t Claim A Promise – I’ve always been a bit uncomfortable with the phrase “claim that promise for yourself.” I’d never really stopped to examine why, but it always left me feeling like something was missing in that statement. Barnabas Piper gives some good thoughts on this.

A Subtle, But Powerful Way To Love Your Spouse – My wife always speaks well of me, even when I don’t deserve it. She does a great job of loving me in a very powerful way. My prayer is that she finds me as encouraging to her. This article takes that thought and runs with it.

I have learned to use the word impossible with the greatest of caution. – Wernher von Braun