Coffee Break – 05.06.2013

Coffee Break

Show Us Your Coffee Mug – As a result of my love for coffee, I’ve collected quite a few cool coffee mugs. However, this list has a few that I officially added to my wish list. There are some cool mugs here, especially the one that is handmade. Which is your favorite?

100 History-Making Cameras – While this poster has images that are all digitally created, and it would be cooler if these were actual images of the history-making cameras, it’s still a pretty cool concept. There are a few here that I’ve seen, used, and owned over the years.

How Animals Eat Their Food – These are some of the questions you’ve always never wanted to ask about animals and their eating habits. It’s worth a laugh. Now get back to work.

Debt Limit: How To Increase Yours – This is a humorous look at the state of our nation’s debt. But it’s also a very revealing, though tongue in cheek, example of how many people seem to approach their own personal finances.

5 Things Every Daughter Needs To Hear From Her Dad – My oldest daughter celebrated her birthday over the weekend. As she grows up, I am continually amazed at just how incredible a young woman she’s turning out to be. In order to help her continue to grow into who God created her to be, here are five statements that she needs to hear from me, and hear them consistently.

Leading Church While Leading Your Family – “Leading a church well and leading a family well are not mutually exclusive: ‘[An elder] must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive’ (1 Timothy 3:4). However, Paul is not only saying that an elder can lead both family and church well, but that he must. But how?” This article provides a great start to finding the answer.

The less we read the Word of God, the less we desire to read it, and the less we pray, the less we desire to pray. – George Mueller