Coffee Break – 05.12.2014

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What Does Coffee Say About Your Personality? – There are a ton of these things out there, and it seem like more and more are appearing all the time. This one is one of the better ones though. I drink my coffee black, and for the most part, this describes me pretty well. But there are aspects of my personality in a couple of the other types as well.

How Did The Ancient Egyptians Build The Pyramids? – More accurately, this addresses how the Egyptians moved the stones across the sand in order to build these massive structures. The physics involved are incredibly simple, and it helps explain a major obstacle to how these ancient people did such amazing things.

How Paperbacks Transformed The Way Americans Read – I found this very fascinating, from a historical perspective, and very enlightening, from a current-day perspective. With the increased usage of devices like the Kindle, the future is wide open for the way we read to change, and change again.

6 Lessons In Good Listening – Most of us have a difficult time with listening. It’s not something that comes easy for most people, myself included. If this is a struggle for you as well, here are six things you should know about being a good listener.

How To Identify False Teachers – I am currently working my way through a deep study of 1 and 2 Timothy, trying to memorize much of it. One of the biggest themes in those letters is Timothy’s need to address false teachers. Today, two thousand years later, the need to recognize false teachers is just as critical.

Is Scooby Doo Demonic? – Growing up, I lived on a steady diet of Scooby Doo, The Flinstones, and The Jetsons. Scooby was one of my favorite characters, and I have seen each episode multiple times. This article made me stop and think a bit. I like much of what he says here, but wonder if he’s reading more into this than is there. Either way, it’s interesting.

Whatever and whenever God blesses, Satan curses. What God creates, Satan counterfeits. – Sam Storms