Coffee Break – 05.16.2016

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

On this day in history: In 1866, Congress authorized the first 5-cent piece to be minted. In 1888, the first demonstration of recording on a flat disc was demonstrated by Emile Berliner. In 1914, the American Horseshoe Pitchers Association (AHPA) was formed in Kansas City, Kansas. And, in 1929, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences hands out its first awards, in Hollywood, California.

Coffee Break

Brewing Cafe Quality Coffee At Home – Making coffee shop level coffee is not as hard as many assume it to be. There are three key ingredients: the coffee beans, the water, and the equipment you use. He recommends a Clever coffee dripper. I recommend a Hario V60. Both are inexpensive and simple to use.

The Art Of Fountain Pen Photography – I love fountain pens. And I love photography. Combining the two seems natural. And the results can be spectacularly beautiful.

Death Star Fire Pit – This is absolutely incredible. I really liked the Darth Vader fire pit, but this blows that away.

Marble Race – Because why not?

Today In Church History
St. Brendan the Navigator is credited with the discovery of lands west of Ireland. The story was eagerly retold throughout Europe and made him more famous than St. Patrick to the people of the Middle Ages. He died on May 16, 583. Read more about him here.

The Holy Spirit – Here is a succinct theological overview of the Holy Spirit. Naturally, this is very simplified, and has to be, since volumes can be written about this aspect of the Trinity. But it’s a great start.

Keeping The Faith In A Faithless Age – I’m afraid that the days of America being a nation that believes in God, and longs for God, have faded into history. Atheism is the new faith, or at least agnosticism is. That makes it increasingly important that we stand firm upon God’s truth.

A Helpful List Of Short Apologetic Videos – We are to be ready to share our faith, and defend it, at all times. But being ready can be intimidating for some people. Here is a list of several videos that you may find helpful.