Coffee Break – 05.26.2014

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Art Made From Coffee Ring Stains – This is simply stunning. The creativity that people possess is absolutely incredible. I would frame something like this and hang it in my home.

Taking A Wider View – This is a series of photos of famous landmarks, but taken from a different perspective, farther away, in order to see how they fit into their surroundings. Some are surprising. Others are just as beautiful as the close up.

The Luckiest Archaeological Find In History – Recently, the remains of Richard III were discovered and identified. The story of how it happened is pretty intriguing. After a short reign, and a tragic death, this king is finally laid to rest.

Three Things Not To Say… – A very brief article with a few thoughts to keep in mind when talking with someone who is going through a tough time.

Lord, Liar, Lunatic… Or Legend? – C. S. Lewis’ trilemma is fairly well know. Either Jesus was a liar of epic proportions, or he was a lunatic who should have been institutionalized, or he was actually who he said he was. But what if there is a fourth option? What if the gospels are legends? In this long but well-researched article, that idea is examined in detail, and dismissed just like the possibilities of liar or lunatic.

Children Are Not Looking For Perfect Parents – One of my greatest fears is that I will fail my kids. However, this brief article reminded me that my kids aren’t looking for perfection. They simply want to see me living my faith the best that I can.

Prayer and praise are the oars by which a man may row his boat into the deep waters of the knowledge of Christ. – C. H. Spurgeon