Coffee Break – 06.24.2013

Coffee Break

MistoBox Delivers Coffee To Your Door – This is a pretty cool concept, a coffee subscription. I’m not sure it would work for me though. Either I would receive too much each month, building a stockpile that is going stale, or I would receive too little and be stuck running to the store for that cheap stuff they call coffee in the plastic can. I wonder just how good this stuff is…?

60 Second Adventures In Thought – Sometimes I wish I’d paid more attention in class when I was in school. But since I didn’t, these short videos help me find some of the information I need, or, um… don’t need when I need want it. Anyway, they’re entertaining.

Retaining What You Read: E-Format vs Print – This is an interesting article detailing the minds cognitive ability to retain what is read. While I have a Kindle, and enjoy it, my preference is still for physical books. I found this article fascinating, and suspect it plays a part in my dictating my preferences. I know some of you will adamantly defend your ereaders. That’s ok. But I just wanted you to know.

Dispatches From The Front – This is a pretty cool idea. Dispatches From The Front “highlights the marvelous extent, diversity, and unity of Christ’s Kingdom in our world. The journal format of each episode underscores the daily unfolding of God’s activity on the ‘frontlines,’ bringing viewers up-close with sights and sounds from distant corners of the Kingdom.”

The Snowstorm And The Suffering Servant – As you probably know, I have several children, and one of my greatest desires is to be the best dad that I can be. I found the story of this dad to be very inspiring, and hope that, if circumstances should require it, I would be willing to sacrifice as much as he did for my kids. After all, someone else sacrificed that much and more for me.

It’s The Little Things; OK, It’s The Big Things Too – This week marks the two year anniversary of my dad’s death. Father’s Day was tough. I wanted to call him all day long, just to hear his voice and tell him I loved him. This week also marks the second anniversary of my step-dad’s death. I wanted to call him as well. I miss them both. Even though this article is a couple of months old, it held a very important reminder for me just when I needed to hear it.

You must realize that perhaps the most important moment in the worship service is the moment in which you leave the church. Then it is decided whether you have understood why you spent that hour behind those walls. – Horst Symanoski

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

4 thoughts on “Coffee Break – 06.24.2013

  1. on the e-reader thing…..bull. I highlight and make notes much more often than I ever did in a paper book, not to mention I have access to it whenever I need it or want to recall it, instead of needing to go back to my shelf in my office or home. No matter the format, you can read to retain or you can read and forget. It’s merely preference.

    • I figured you’d chime in on that one. I found it interesting, but take it with a grain of salt, considering the source…

      I’m more of a physical book type of person myself.

  2. and that’s totally fine, I have a few that I prefer that way (the Bible top on that list) but it comes down to preference.

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