Coffee Break – 07.09.2018

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

On this day in history: In 1808, the leather-splitting machine was patented by Samuel Parker. In the doughnut cutter was patented by John F. Blondel. In 1877, Alexander Graham Bell, Gardiner Greene Hubbard, Thomas Sanders and Thomas Watson formed the Bell Telephone Company. In 1878, the corncob pipe was patented by Henry Tibbe. And in 1941, British cryptologists break the secret code used by the German army called the Enigma Key.

Coffee Break

Today Is National Sugar Cookie Day!
Is any cookie more iconic than the sugar cookie?

The Upside Down AeroPress Coffee Brewing Tutorial – I love the Aeropress, and if you don’t have one, you should (grab one from Amazon). But don’t use it like the directions tell you to. Your coffee will be much better if you invert it. So go get one, and then read this article for some of the best coffee you’ll ever brew.

How To Build An Interchangeable Wardrobe – One of the things that I have found to be true in my life is that I buy too many things that I don’t need or use as much as I should, especially when it comes to clothing. RMRS has a solid point when they show that a versatile wardrobe is best, for both use and budget.

Most Female And Male Occupations Since 1950 – Demographical studies intrigue me, and this study of males versus females in the workforce since 1950 is full of interesting information.

A Life In Numbers – This was an interesting little video with an excellent point at the end. However, I could live my entire life without the sports, and they forgot the coffee. Maybe it’s an even substitution…? Nah, I spend way more time than that on coffee.

Today In Church History
Sir Robert Grant, who penned “O Worship The King,” a hymn based on Psalm 104, died on this day in 1838, at the age of 59. Read more about him here.

4 Principles For The Exercise Of Christian Liberty – Since we celebrated our freedom on July fourth in the United States, this article seemed a good reminder that freedom is much, much bigger than just that.

Smart Rules For Smartphones – With some of our kids carrying phones, these rules are worth taking a look at.

12 Spurgeon Quotes for When Parenting Feels Hard – Smartphones aside, there are a lot of times when parenting can be difficult. These quotes from Spurgeon are very encouraging, especially number 8.

Six Things You Can Do To Grow (or Save) Your Marriage – I found this to be a very encouraging article. Heather and I have heard all of these many times over the years, but a reminder was good to hear.

The Staggering Consequences Of Neglecting Your Bible – Although this article is from the beginning of 2018, it’s worth checking in to see how you’re doing, since we are at the halfway point of the year now. So… How’s your Bible reading going?