Coffee Break – 07.27.2015

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

Here are some interesting historical tidbits for you to remember today: In 1866, Cyrus Field successfully completed the Atlantic Cable. It was an underwater telegraph from North America to Europe. In 1909, Orville Wright set a record for the longest airplane flight. He was testing the first Army airplane and kept it in the air for 1 hour 12 minutes and 40 seconds. In 1940, Bugs Bunny made his official debut in the Warner Bros. animated cartoon “A Wild Hare.” And in 2003, it was reported by the BBC (British Broadcasting Corp.) that there was no monster in Loch Ness. The investigation used 600 separate sonar beams and satellite navigation technology to trawl the loch. Reports of sightings of the “Loch Ness Monster” began in the 6th century.

Coffee Break

5 Great Coffee Blogs – If you love coffee, and love reading about coffee, here are some of the top blogs out there.

Why You Aren’t A Morning Person – Some people are great in the morning. Others hate the morning. Here is an interesting article answering some of the questions about why there is a difference.

Note Taking By Hand Vs. Laptop – This is more of the same issue: analog or screen? Digital or paper? The research discussed here is pretty compelling though.

Boba Fett Kite Surfing – Just because…

The Wright Brothers And Faith – With the recent release of a new biography, The Wright Brothers, which is on my “to-read” list, I found this article interesting. It will whet your appetite for more.

Teach Your Child How To Have Devotions – This is something I never really knew how to do until I got to college. My parents didn’t teach this, and I can’t even remember it discussed outside of church camp. However, this is something we strive to instill in the lives of our own kids. And here are some great points on how to do that.

Guidance On How To Be A Man – This article may describe a significant portion of the American male population. And even though the conclusion is rather obvious, it is still worth reading.

We belong to Jesus because He has purchased us by His blood. He will not return or exchange what He has bought. – Anthony Carter