Coffee Break – 07.29.2013

Coffee Break

Homemade Coffee Spice Bar Soap – My wife has occasionally told me she would like to try making our own soap. I was skeptical at first, with the hazards of lye and the effort involved for a result that may or may not leave me feeling clean. But I just might be able to get behind a soap like this one…

10 Incredible Cloud Formations – We have had some serious thunderstorms in my part of the country over the years. There is power hidden in thunderheads. There is beauty there as well. This post has ten different locations, with ten incredible formations.

Hyper-Realistic Bust Of Abraham Lincoln – Hollywood special effects can be simply amazing. This bust of Abraham Lincoln gives more attention to detail and specifics than anything I’ve ever seen. Now I want one of me…

22 Maps That Show How Americans Speak English Totally Different From Each Other – You may have seen a few of these floating around on Facebook recently. I found these interesting. I’ve spent time in ministry in Missouri, Indiana, Florida and New York, and have seen a few of these difference first hand. Some of the different pronunciations make me laugh, some are just confusing.

Developing A Mindset Of Stewardship – This fall, our church is going to take a good look at what God says about finances and giving in the Bible. We will be using Take God At His Word, a book written by Dr. Kregg Hood. His website contains lots of useful information about his books and his stewardship ministry. It’s worth looking at.

When Evangelism Looks Like A Protest – I found this short article to be enlightening. Although I’ve never really taken the time to examine this concept in depth, this article makes a lot of sense to me. We seem to have a preconceived impression of people who are standing on the streets holding signs as protesters. I’m not sure that’s the most effective way to spread the message of Christ.

All great Christians have been wounded souls. – A. W. Tozer