Coffee Break – 08.04.2014

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H O M E – This short film is incredibly cinematic and deeply moving. It kind of makes me want to head out and enjoy a cup of coffee on the river near our home. In this film, the coffee is made with an Aeropress, which makes a pretty good cup, but a Chemex would be even better.

Put Your Phone Down – I often wonder if we’ve become too dependent upon our mobile devices. It seems as if we focus more on capturing the moment than experiencing the moment. I was reminded of this at a recent Springfield Cardinals baseball game. Every phone in the stadium was out capturing the fireworks after the game, mine included. Suddenly I realized that an image later wasn’t the same thing as experiencing the moment in the now. I quietly put my phone in my pocket and just simply enjoyed the display.

Bonsai Tree Art – Bonsai is one of the hobbies I’ve tried to enjoy over the years. I fail at this. I can’t keep a tree alive for more than a few months. I’ve resigned myself to the realm of fascinated observation. But this artist takes the concept to a whole new level. Pretty amazing, actually.

What’s All This ‘Gospel-Centered’ Talk About? – One of my big passions is helping people develop a biblical worldview. That’s what this article is really about. It all comes down to worldviews.

15 Beautiful Benefits Of The Word Of God – Speaking of developing a biblical worldview, one of the best ways to foster that is by spending time in the Word. Here are fifteen benefits that the Word brings to our lives.

How Do You Prep Your Teenager For Adulthood? – With one teen, and another right around the corner, this was a very interesting article for me. This is some practical advice that more families need to heed.

You shall never make a missionary of the person who does no good at home. – C. H. Spurgeon