Coffee Break – 08.13.2018

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

On this day in history: In 1889, a patent for a coin-operated telephone was issued to William Gray. In 1934, Al Capp’s comic strip L’il Abner made its debut in newspapers. And in 1942, Walt Disney’s Bambi opened at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, NY.

Coffee Break

Today Is National Filet Mignon Day!
This is a day I can totally get behind!

Buying Your First Home Coffee Roaster – Roasting your own coffee is a great step forward in your coffee journey. I roasted for years using an air popcorn popper, but a couple of years ago, I purchased a Behmor 1600+, and haven’t looked back. It’s an excellent home roasting option.

How To be A Well Dressed Man – There is no reason why you shouldn’t dress well. Or, as Antonio says, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be the best dressed man in the room. And it’s not as hard as you might think.

What’s The Worst Taste In The World? – I think bell peppers top the list, but this article disagrees.

Toxicity Comparison (This Little Will KILL You) – This might be a little morbid, but is also extremely fascinating.

Today In Church History
On August 13, 236 AD, the bodies of two Christians who died in exile came home to Rome for a proper burial. Roman Emperor Maximinus Thrax had exiled Pontianus and Hippolytus to the island of Sardinia where they probably died as slaves in the mines. Read more about them here.

A (Not So) Revolutionary Strategy For Great Quiet Times – I think we all are looking for that plan or strategy that will just “click” for us, but what if there isn’t any such thing? What if we just need to jump in and start? Hmmm….

Faithful Are The Wounds Of A Friend – Do you have the kind of friend that has the permission to speak into your life no matter what the reason might be? I suggest that you might need to develop a few friendships like that, and this article explains why.

8 Habits Of The Excellent Bible Teacher – Whether you teach are are the one being taught, here are some great points to either develop in your life of look for in a teacher.

1,800-Year-Old Roman Mosaic Revealed At Caesarea National Park – Archaeology fascinates me, especially the biblical variety. A mosaic found in a town that factors into the life and ministry of Jesus Christ is very exciting, even if it dates from a couple of centuries later.

5 Ways To Prepare Them For Marriage – One of the things I consistently pray for in the lives of my kids is their future marriages and relationships. This article adds a few more suggestions to that idea. It is well worth reading, especially if you have younger children.