Coffee Break – 08.26.2013

Coffee Break

Coffee From India – Most of the coffee I drink comes from either South/Central America or Africa. Occasionally, I enjoy a good bean from the Philippines. My favorite bean is from Brazil or Costa Rica. But I would love to try something from India. This article has piqued my curiosity.

A Spectacular Supercell Caught On Film – Storm chasers are an interesting breed. My instinct is to run the other direction and watch from a safe distance. But there are some who run right into the thick of things. But I guess that’s how you get shots like this… [Vimeo]

News Is Bad For You – I’ve never been one to dwell too much on news sites or watch much news on TV. This article reinforces my desire to watch it less than ever before. Ironic that this is on a newspaper’s website…

The Evolution Of The Swimsuit – This made the rounds on social media a while back, but it’s worth checking out if you missed it. As a youth minister for more than two decades, this was an issue I faced more than once. And now, with three daughters, it’s just as big of an issue as ever before. This makes a great case for modesty and honoring God by what you wear.

Accountability, Grace, and Cigar Smoking – I’ve never felt the temptation to smoke anything, whether that was my dad’s pipe, a cigar or even a cigarette. But I know people who do. While this article uses the cigar as a prop, the real issue is accountability and grace. And it makes a good point.

World’s Top Missionary-Sending Country – Think it through. Pick a country before you click through to Christianity Today’s website. The answer might surprise you.

If you get upset, offended, and go off and sulk, and nurse your grievance, you will die. – T. Austin-Sparks

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

4 thoughts on “Coffee Break – 08.26.2013

  1. Sent this to my adult daughter who works with high school girls. The swimsuit video was very good. I thought she might like to share it.

    • I thought it was pretty solid. Modesty in our culture has become one of the big issues, and when it’s addressed, especially like this, it’s good. Thanks!

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