Coffee Break – 09.02.2013

Coffee Break

11 Of The Craziest Coffee Terms You’ve Ever Heard – Sometimes, when I start talking coffee, I notice people’s eyes starting to glaze over, because I’m speaking in a language they can’t understand. Here are a few of the terms you’ll hear frequently from coffee aficionados.

Weird And Geeky Wedding Rings – Custom wedding rings seem to always be popular, and the only limit is people’s creativity. These two posts have several pretty cool designs. I really like the Stargate themed rings, the Triforce, and the intertwined rings. (11 Rings, 11 More Rings)

Return Of The Cicadas – One of my favorite night sounds in the summer is the sound of the cicada. I have lots of memories from my childhood of sleeping with the windows open and listening to these noisy creatures throughout the night.

Underwater River in Mexico – What? Yep. And underwater river. Due to something called a halocline, where waters of different salinity stay separate, this river actually exists. That’s probably the coolest thing I’ve heard all day.

Short Films And Cartoons On Economics – Cartoons used to have an educational side to them, and many short films were created that taught important life lessons. Here are several on the subject of economics. It’s stunning to see how things have changed in just about half of a century.

Back To School, Back To Bedtime – Since we’ve always homeschooled, bedtimes have never been a big issue in our home. But now that my oldest daughter is in public school, this is all of a sudden more important. And, it turns out, research indicates that a bedtime is a critical structure needed in the lives of our children.

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. – Viktor Frankl