Coffee Break – 09.23.2013

Coffee Break

The Coffee Bean Color Spectrum – One of the most frequent questions I hear when people ask me about roasting coffee is how to know when it’s done. This chart gives a great breakdown of what the beans look like through the roasting process. Most of the time, I like to pull my beans somewhere around 9 or 10. Occasionally, depending on the bean, I will go as far as a level 14.

Next Level Origami – The art of origami has always intrigued me. I can make a paper airplane, but that’s about it. These paper masterpieces blow my mind.

Camera Lens Jewelry – I have a coffee cup that looks like a camera lens. And I’ve seen other interesting crossovers. But this is just cool. Not sure I could justify the price to buy one of thee for my wife though…

Lord Of The Rings And The Modern Surveillance State – There has been a lot of talk of “big brother” over the past few weeks, months and years. This article presents an interesting view of our modern data mines of information by the Nation Security Agency. And it’s compared to the work of Tolkien, no less.

Confrontation – Not too many people seem to really enjoy confrontation. It’s not something that comes easy to very many people. But sometimes it becomes necessary. So, how do you handle it?

Christians, Protect Each Other From Busyness – Our culture seems to be more and more inundated with frantic busyness. There comes a time when you must say no to things, even good things. As the body of Christ, we need to help protect one another in this area.

A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent. – General Douglas MacArthur