Coffee Break – 10.14.2013

Coffee Break

Cool Coffee Painted Portraits – Few people ever think of using coffee as a medium for art. But it’s possible; and it is beautiful. Here are several incredible paintings created with coffee.

7 Civil War Stories You Didn’t Learn In High School – American History from the 1800s is one of my favorite eras to read about. This article offered some facts and tidbits of information that most people don’t know.

What’s In A Drop Of Pond Water? – Ever wonder just how much life there is in a single drop of pond water? Wonder no more, because this brief video gives you a glimpse into that microscopic world.

Dear Pastor, Bring Your Bible To Church – I preach from an iPad. But I always carry a physical copy of the Bible onto the stage with me, every week. The Bible is my authority, and having one in my hand helps to emphasize that fact. This article gives a few more compelling reasons to have a physical copy of the Bible in hand when you preach.

3 Ways To Fuel Momentum – One of the hardest things to do as a leader is to start momentum. Getting the ball rolling is much harder than keeping it going. This post shares three brief ways to fuel that momentum and get things moving in your church.

10 Enemy Attacks On Leaders – Spiritual warfare is real, and the leaders are on the front lines. Unfortunately, the enemy has several effective attacks that can cripple a leader if he’s not careful. It’s best to know about them so you can recognize them when they come. Here is a list of ten of them.

The measure of you as a leader is not what you do, but what others do because of what you do. – Howard Hendricks