Coffee Break – 10.21.2013

Coffee Break

How To Spot A Father Of Young Children – I’m not sure the coffee cup is big enough…

11 Things You Might Not Know About Missouri – If you’re from the state of Missouri, as I am, there might not be anything new here. But if not, then read away!

Dark Satire Art – Some of these images are somewhat disturbing. But that’s only because the point comes across so clearly. There are issues here that are mostly taboo in art. Fascinating, but be warned.

Preaching On Sunday? Read This – This is short and sweet, but drives home a big point. The message isn’t mine. The changed lives aren’t because of me. I’m just a tool to be used in God’s hands every week. But he loves me just as much as he loves the ones listening to me.

Make The Bible Your Native Tongue – Sometimes the difficulty in understanding the Bible isn’t because of our modern context. Often it’s because we don’t understand the subtleties and nuances of the original language that has been translated into our own, sometimes translated into another language before making is to our own. Making the Bible our native language will require some effort, but will be well worth it.

On Sermon Outlines – I found this helpful as I strive to create a method and routine of preaching every week. Whiles these points don’t get into the nitty gritty of sermon preparation, they are excellent reminders to keep the big picture in place.

A belief is something you will argue about. A conviction is something you will die for. – Howard Hendricks