Coffee Break – 11.02.2015

Your Monday Dose Of Inspiration

On this day in history: In 1721, Peter the Great (Peter I), ruler of Russia, changed his title to emperor. In 1895, in Chicago, IL, the first gasoline powered car contest took place in America. In 1947, the Hughes Flying Boat, also known as the Spruce Goose, and the largest aircraft ever built, is piloted by designer Howard Hughes on its first and only flight. And in 2001, the computer-animated movie “Monsters, Inc.” opened. The film recorded the best debut ever for an animated film and the 6th best of all time.

Coffee Break

Using The Poplite Air Popper To Roast Coffee – With “real” coffee roasters commanding a premium price, sometimes of hundreds of dollars, some people have found cheaper ways to roast their coffee. This article makes some adjustments that aren’t necessary to use an air popper, but he is thorough.

Photos Of European Churches Left In Holy Ruin – It seems as if I have a fascination with abandoned ruins. When I stumble across articles like this one, it piques my curiosity to the highest levels. Some of these kinds of places make my bucket list of sites to see more than the more famous landmarks.

Russia Exhumes the Remains of the Last Tsar and Tsarina, Nearly a Century After Their Deaths – Although I am not a great student of Russian history, there are some things that stand out. The rebellion that dethroned the Romanovs is one of them. Here is an interesting bit of more modern history about this family.

A Rare Look Inside The Famous Iron Mountain – I never knew this existed. National Treasure and Indiana Jones aside, this is simply amazing! I really want to know what is hidden in here, but we will likely never know the extent of it all.

Today In Church History
James A. Garfield is elected as the 20th President of the United States. Garfield was a lay minister in the Restoration Movement, and sincere about his faith. Read more about him here.

12 Things That Successful Leaders Never Tolerate – This article is not written from a Christian perspective, but you wouldn’t know it to look at the list presented. All of these traits can be seen in biblical leaders, and they are true. This is a great article from

Creativity Is A Process, Not An Event – I found this to be an especially interesting article. The science behind creative thinking is explained well, but the tips for being more creative are exceptional.

The Preacher And His Technology – We live in an age where technology abounds, and there are plenty of ways that it can either help or hinder us, especially in ministry. This article looks at both sides of this double edged sword.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Coffee Break – 11.02.2015

  1. Jeff, you are right about the article on the 12 things successful leaders never tolerate. It was a great article! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy these Monday posts so much.

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