Coffee Break – 11.26.2012

Coffee Break

The Holdster – A small company in Burlington, Vermont, has created a way to turn any small canning jar into a travel mug. They’ve created the Holdster, a leather wrap, either with or without a handle, that can turn a jar into a coffee mug. This has officially been added to my wish list.

The Deepest View Of The Universe – Using over 2000 photos taken by Hubble’s cameras and stitched together, this image and video covers an extremely tiny portion of the night sky, and reveals just how incredibly crowded it is. Prepare for your mind to be blown!

12 Stats On The State Of Bookstores In America Today – As an avid reader and bibliophile, the state of bookstores in America intrigues me. While things aren’t as bad as many think, and perhaps smaller stores are making a comeback, the online and ebook industry has definitely made itself a niche in the market.

100 Abandoned Houses – I’m inspired by the creativity of others. Kevin Bauman has captured the state of a steadily declining suburb in Detroit. As sad as the circumstances may be, the beauty of his project is undeniable.

The Day My Dad Chopped Down An Idol – Sometimes when God transforms lives he does it in dramatic ways. Beverly Chao Berrus grew up in an idol and ancestor worship environment, and experienced a drastic life change when her parents accepted Christ. Her story is thought provoking.

How God Saved A Hardened Atheist – Hudson Taylor was one of the first missionaries to China, and lived there in the 1800s. But before he went, he had a job as a medical assistant. Even in this humble position, he still allowed God to use him to reach people with the message of Jesus. This story is powerful and inspiring.

Man is so made that when anything fires his soul, impossibilities vanish. – Jean de la Fontaine

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Coffee Break – 11.26.2012

  1. Hey Jeff, I think we’re going to have to clone you and send some “Jeffs” to Australia – specifically to Canberra. Thank you and God bless you for your professional, Godly and regular blogs. Regards Michael

    • Thanks! That was a shot of encouragement that I needed to hear (read) this week. Someday, I would love to at least visit Australia… Maybe even Canberra…

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