Confirming The Call

Blocks of FaithSometimes my life can be so confusing.  Last October, we began raising support to join the staff at Creation Truth Foundation.  Read my blog here.

After several months of working at raising support, we had only reached the 42% mark. With only a few weeks yet to go, I was beginning to panic. After all, I have a family of six to provide for. And as of June 1, my salary here at First Christian Church ends. What am I to do?

So I began sending out a few resumes. We had a couple of GREAT prospects… At least, from my point of view they were great. One by one, the youth ministry options began to disappear. One church hired another guy. Another church advised me that I had about a 6-7% chance of being hired by them. Wow. That was encouraging… A couple of other churches never responded at all. And yet another informed me that the cost of living in their community is astronomically high. My options were disappearing at an alarming rate!

You can imagine my discouragement. Church doors were closing, and our support raising was at a standstill.

So we asked God to confirm to us one way or the other: do we look for a church, or do we continue to work toward raising support in order to join CTF.

And then we got the scare of the year (and it’s only March…). Heather was convinced (95% sure) that she was pregnant again. This would be child number five. With Heather’s pregnancies come a lot of morning sickness. There is no way I could travel this summer with CTF, leaving Heather home with four kids, a dog, a (dumb) cat and a sick pregnancy. We thought we had our sign from God. But still, the church options were disappearing. The current “church pick of the week” informed me that they had hired someone, and their ad should have been taken off the ministry openings page on the Cincinnati Christian University website. What is God trying to say?!?!

After three pregnancy tests, we have learned that Heather is almost certainly NOT pregnant. Which is good, because it would put the birth of a new child only 12 months from Jadon. Too close for our comfort… Whew!

So I called CTF, and talked to Dr. Sharp. I just wanted to get a feel for any additional support that I might not know about. Doc had another call during the middle of our conversation. He said he’d call back in 15 minutes. In the space of those 15 minutes, our support jumped by over 6% by people who called me out of the blue! And when I resumed my conversation with Doc, he informed me of another 3-4% commitment. We jumped almost 10% in less than a half an hour! That puts us within $800.00 per month of what we need to start at CTF!

A good friend of ours here at FCC has given me the opportunity to speak to a Christian business network in this area. This opportunity could expand our support base even more! Please be in prayer for me as I speak to them. I have to be concise, confident and passionate…. Within ten minutes. This could be an incredible opportunity!

Needless to say, my discouragement is dissolving away. God has given us the confirmation we have asked for. Now all we need is the courage to keep walking in faith the road that He has laid out before us…

I hope one day my kids look back at my life and see my faith, and not my fears and failures…