I Just Bought A New Laptop Computer… And I Love It!

I bought a new laptop computer last week.

It’s true.

I’ve been using a Toshiba Satellite for the last few years.  It’s been a great computer.  I’ve used it pretty hard, harder than I should, probably.  I’ve used it for writing, video editing, graphic design and much more.  I’ve upgraded it about as far as I can take it.

Samsung Laptop

Finally this week, I’ve come to the realization that it’s time to let it go.

I love this computer.  It’s small and very portable.  It’s only got an 11 inch screen.  I usually use it paired with a second monitor. I love this computer.

But it has to go.  It simply can’t continue to keep up with the demands that I place on it.

And so, last week I purchased a new Samsung laptop while I was on a few days of vacation.  My new unit is a little larger, it has a 15 inch screen.  It’s got a bigger processor and a lot more hard drive space, which I’m sure I’ll fill rather quickly.

This week, I’m in the process of transferring all my software and files from one machine to the other.  After I get all my stuff transferred, I’ll uninstall most of the software off of the Toshiba, and it  will be a machine my wife can use for her at-home business.  It will be more than sufficient for her needs.

I don’t know about you, but I find setting up a new computer extremely tedious.  I just don’t like it.

But I’ve discovered a couple of things in the process.  One of my goals is to try to learn something from any circumstance.  So even though I don’t like this transfer process, I’m looking for things I can learn from it in spite of my dislike.

I’ve discovered three things in this process.

Buying a new computer builds patience.

Read that statement again.  If you ever decide that you need more patience, either have kids or buy a new computer.  I’m currently in the process of sorting through files, downloads, emails, trying to decide what is kept and what can go.  Patience.

My wife is learning patience too.  She’s waiting for me to finish it up so she can have her computer too.

Buying a new computer helps you learn new skills.

In this case, I upgraded from Windows Vista to Windows 7.  While there is a lot of overlap from one system to the other, there are several new features that I’m having to learn about.  One of the features I used extensively in Vista is the Quick Launch Bar.  That doesn’t exist in Windows 7.  I was actually rather disappointed to see that they dropped it.  I’m having to learn a new way to organize my frequently used programs.  It’s teaching me a new set of skills.

Buying a new computer is fun.

I’m loving it.  With the new features, and the faster speed and more space, I’m having a great time using this machine.  I can’t say right now if I’m completely satisfied with the machine or not, like I was with my Toshiba.  I suspect I will be.  But if not, I have a friend or two that can help me fix things if needed.

So I’m enjoying my new computer.

I bought a new Samsung.  I love it, even though I was extremely satisfied with my Toshiba.  What computer do you use?  How do you like it?  Leave your thoughts in the comments below.


Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

13 thoughts on “I Just Bought A New Laptop Computer… And I Love It!

    • Adam, I also use an 11 inch MacBook Air. I use it exclusively for writing and blogging. Love it!

  1. Congrats on the new computer!

    I love getting a new computer. I really don't like the process of transferring everything from the old computer to the new one 🙁 But, like you said, I learn a lot from the process and I use it as a time to clean out old stuff, re-organize content and learn new things.

    I currently use a Dell Studio XPS laptop – it serves as my work computer and my personal computer. I have enjoyed the system a lot and been able to do everything from software development to graphics and video editing to the basics of email and word processing.

  2. On a seperate note, I noticed the change to IntenseDebate…how do you like it? What made you go that direction verse the other options?

    • I'm looking for a way to allow people to subscribe to the comments. I already had this installed, just not activated. So… I'm giving it a shot. I may not stick with it if I find something I like better. I already noticed that it's messed up my comment count word bubble at the top of each post. Going to have to figure that one out…

      • I have been playing some with Disqus on my dev site. There's a lot that I like about it; but, I have encountered occasional glitches when using it on Michael Hyatt's site. So, I have decided yet to implement it for production.

        • I have too. I like many of the features of Disqus, but I've run into some of those glitches as well. It's why I decided against trying them for now. Maybe down the road. We'll see how this goes first.

  3. Nice! To be honest, my first laptop was a Toshiba and it served me well for like 5 years. Never had any issues whatsoever.

    Now, I have a Macbook Pro and love it. Can't imagine me life without it. (Sappy, I know!)

    • I really love mine! I hate that fact that I have to let it go.

      I recently purchased a MacBook Air. I love it too. But I have strictly regulated it to writing only. I don\’t want a lot of stuff on there that will distract me from my focus when I\’m writing chapters, blog posts, or whatever.

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