Memorize Scripture: Philippians 4:17-18

In the midst of Paul’s thankfulness for the financial support of the Philippians, he gives some incredible insight into God’s view of our giving.

Take a look at this passage in Philippians 4:17-18:

Philippians 4:17-18

Paul gives us a glimpse into the mind of God with these verses. When we give financially to support the message of the gospel, God notices. Paul shares some incredible information with the Philippian believers, and with us as well.

In verse 17, Paul showed the Philippians how their gifts were being credited to their heavenly accounts. Paul knew that this was happening, and he knows that the gifts you give will also be credited to your account. It’s a blessing that cannot be stored here on earth. And he knows that you are building up for yourself a treasure that can only be stored in heaven.

In this brief passage, Paul gives us five significant truths about our giving.

Giving Is A Partnership

Here’s the best part of your giving. You give to get, to give some more, and then in this partnership that we have with God, he also is setting aside a treasure that you cannot yet see, but it waits for you in heaven. This is why it is important to remember that tithing is an act of faith.

Even though you cannot see your future treasure, it is there. You can delay what you hope for because you know of the hope that is waiting for you in heaven, and it is ten times anything you could ever have or receive here. God is true to his word, and his word will never cease. It’s because you have faith. It’s because you have a hope. It’s because you have an intimate knowledge of God that causes you to not want to be satisfied with what you give, with what you do. And it nudges you to want to give more.

God Notices Our Giving

Paul tells us in this passage that God tracks our love through all the things that we do to help him take care of his ministry. And this includes giving. And he takes notice no matter how you give it. Matthew 6:4 and 20 state: …so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Verse 20: …but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.

God takes notice, and he protects our investment with is love and with his generosity. You don’t need to make it known what you’re giving, or how much you’re giving, because God can keep track of it. Even when you give in secret.

God Doesn’t Make Mistakes

And here’s something else that you can take heart in: As he watches us give, he never makes a mistake in his accounting. God will not make an accounting mistake. He’s perfect. Not one penny will be lost.

Our Giving Pleases God

God likes what we’re doing. He is pleased with the act of worship that is tithing. In verse 18, Paul explains that the Philippians’ gifts supported Paul and his ministry. They supported Paul, and God’s ministry. It helped Paul continue to preach, even in prison, because he was able to show those around him that God can still support God’s ministry, through the outpouring, through the gifts of others.

Our Giving Is An Acceptable Sacrifice

This act of worship was a fragrant offering. It was pleasant, especially to God’s senses. What these people did, in the church of Philippi, was a sacrifice, and as such, it was an acceptable sacrifice. This wasn’t a rich church. These people weren’t rich. This was a true sacrifice for them to give. They gave out of being poor.

This fragrant offering, this acceptable sacrifice, pleased God. So when you give, when you choose to give your tithes and offerings, you fit into this same category. God is pleased with you when you give back to him. You and I give because we want to please God because of the salvation that he has offered to us. It’s a part of the partnership: God gave to you first, and you’re just giving back a portion of what you were given.

Our giving is an important part of our faith and our relationship with God. It’s a critical aspect of who we are as citizens in the Kingdom of God. Paul has given us our role in these verses. But in the next verse, he will share what God will do as a result.

Question: Which of these truths do you need to hear right now more than any other? How does your thinking about giving need to change? You can leave a comment by clicking here.