Memorize Scripture: Psalm 119:141-144

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

For the past two stanzas, the author of Psalm 119 has given six different reasons for why God’s Word is so powerful and wonderful. In the final half of this stanza, we find the seventh and final reason given. Take a look at Psalm 119:141-144:

Psalm 119:141-144

Let’s run through a quick review of the first six reasons given by the psalmist in these two stanzas of Psalm 119. The first pair were found in verses 129-132. They were, first of all, that God’s Word gives understanding; and second, it displays mercy.

The second pair were found in the second half of that stanza: God’s Word gives us direction, and it contains God himself within the very words of Scripture.

In the next stanza, in Psalm 119:137-140, we saw reasons five and six: God’s Word is righteous, and God’s Word is reliable.

Now, we will look at the seventh reason the author gives us why God’s Word is so wonderfully impacting and so critical for our day to day lives.

Seventh, God’s Word Is True

Nothing that the psalmist has given his readers has been an earth shattering revelation about God’s Word. Each and every one of these reasons is simple, yet profound; is obvious, yet we need the reminder. Each of these reasons are found in multiple other passages of Scripture, both in the Old Testament and in the New. And yet, the writer has gathered them all here into these two short passages of Psalm 119.

God’s Word is true. That may sound rather simplistic, but the weight of that simple statement is deep and awe inspiring when you stop to think about it. The problem is that we often don’t stop to dwell on this concept. So the writer gives us a reminder in verse 142.

God’s Word is true. So much of what we hear from other sources is not true. Things that we hear in the news, or on social media are not always true. Things that are taught in our schools and universities are not always true. The things that we receive from fallible man are not always true. In fact, our enemy excels is promoting things that are not true. And we often buy into them.

God’s Word is true. Every single word of God’s Word is true. Every single statement found in these pages is true. Every single word he has ever uttered is true.

God’s Word is true. In fact, God is true. And to take that one step further, Jesus even said that he is Truth… literally. How can the written Word of God be anything less than the Incarnate Word of God?

God’s Word is true! It is enduring! It gives us joy! And it leads us to life!

God’s Word is true!

Question: How has this characteristic, that God’s Word is true, impacted your life? How can you see the opposite in your life? And how can you guard against the untruths we are bombarded with? You can leave a comment by clicking here.