Memorize Scripture: Psalm 119:165-168

Hiding God’s Word In Our Hearts

Over the last couple of stanzas, the psalmist has revealed some things he knows to be true about God. In this last portion of this stanza, he shares two final thoughts. Take a look at this passage in Psalm 119:165-168:

Psalm 119:165-168

At this point, the psalmist has revealed three different characteristics of God’s nature that he relies upon, that he has found within the pages of God’s Word. First of all, in verses 153-156, Scripture displays God’s mercy. Next, in verses 157-160, God’s Word is proven to be true. The third thing the psalmist reveals about God’s Word, in verses 160-164, is that God’s Word brings joy.

In these next four verses of Psalm 119, we find two additional characteristics of God that can be seen clearly through his Word.

Obedience To God’s Word Brings Peace

I find this verse to be very intriguing. Peace is one of those qualities that followers of God can find when they obey God’s Law. But the idea of obedience is a tough one, because who can obey the Law fully and completely? No one can. And so the psalmist stresses first that peace come to those who love God’s Law, in verse 165. It’s a couple verses later that he equates this love with obedience, in verse 167.

This is a truth that’s worth repeating: Love for God is reflected best in our lives by obedience to his commands. Jesus said the same thing in John 14, in verse 15 and again in verse 23: “If you love me, keep my commands… Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.” John reiterates this later in his short letter of 1 John, in 2:3, and in 5:3.

Love of God and obedience to him are always connected in Scripture. The author of Psalm 119 reaffirms this when he states, “I obey your statutes, for I love them greatly.”

And this brings peace. Peace comes from the knowledge that it’s only by the mercy of God that we can be made right. Our love for him results in obedience to him, which leads to his mercy to us, to restore us to a right relationship with him through the work of his Son on the cross. There is no other way to complete peace.

Obedience Leads To Security

When the psalmist states that “nothing can make them stumble,” he’s referring to the fact that nothing can shake God’s love for us. Security comes from knowing God’s love, and loving him in return. That comes from being obedient to his Word. To be certain, God’s love is not dependent upon our obedience; we cannot earn God’s favor. But obeying him out of our love for him provides a measure of security in this life that can come from nowhere else.

God’s Word is true and will stand forever. That provides a sense of security that cannot be given in material prosperity, or found in the promises of men. That can only come from God, and be found in him alone.

There are many uncertainties in this life, from the false promises of infomercials simply trying to sell us something to the windy emptiness of political promises. As fallen people, we make and break promises all too easily, even to those we love the most. But God’s Word stands true, and his promises are unbreakable. When we take that to heart, it provides a sense of security that we desperately need and long for.

So as we move forward into the coming days, weeks, and months of our lives, for however long we may have in this life, let us seek to find God’s love and mercy, his truth, his joy, and the peace and security that comes through obeying him. Let us seek him in the pages of his Word, and rely upon him fully.

There is no better option.

Question: Where do you look for peace and security? Do you look for it in material possessions? In human leaders? In personal relationships? How can you turn to God’s Word for that sense of peace and security more often? You can leave a comment by clicking here.