Memorize Scripture – Week 23

I’ve read and heard the story of Jonah countless times in my life. It’s a familiar tale.

Very familiar.

But recently, while reading the book again, I was surprised by a verse that I’d never really noticed before.

Look at it for yourself in Jonah 2:8:

Jonah 2:8

I’ve been reading a lot recently about idols. Tim Keller has an excellent book on the subject called Counterfeit Gods. And I’m currently in the middle of Pete Wilson’s Empty Promises.

But as excellent as both of those books are, neither one of them have impacted me as heavily as these thirteen words have.

Jonah sums it up succinctly: grace can’t flow into where idols dwell.

In order to experience the fullness of God’s grace, the prerequisite is to break my grasp on worthless idols.

I know that this is going to be a topic I wrestle with a lot this week. Because I know my propensity to depend on myself, or my stuff, or my paycheck, instead of God.

And, as good and necessary as those things are, Jonah calls them worthless.

That kind of hurts.

But missing out on the grace that I could be experiencing hurts more.

What are you clinging to in place of God? What are you doing to stop clinging to this? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Memorize Scripture – Week 23

  1. Oh wow, this scripture came across my radar a couple of years ago when I did Priscilla Shirer’s study entitled “JOnah”. It slapped me right up side of the head. As a recovering anorexic, I have definitely had me some idols…my body being the primary one. Breaks my heart to think of all those years I worshipped my body instead of my God. Thankful for grace and forgiveness.

    • No kidding! God’s grace has saved me (pun intended) from so many stupid mistakes on my life. And this verse sort of gives me a slap in the face reminder every time I read it.

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