Memorize Scripture – Week 25

I don’t know about you, but I sometimes forget just who Jesus is.

Sometimes I focus on him more a a friend, or a buddy, or even as a vending machine.

And I need to be reminded that he isn’t any of those things, at least not fully. And not at all, in the case of the vending machine.

But just who is he? Take a look at how Peter answered that question in Matthew 16:15-16:

Matthew 16:15-16

It saddens me that I forget this. But it’s much easier to treat Jesus as that vending machine. Pray my prayers, like pushing a button, and expect the answer to just pop right out for me, instantly.

Sometimes, I treat Jesus as just a friend. I can enjoy time with my friends, but sometimes I just want them to leave me alone. Not too long ago, my son offered the kid across the street $2.00 if he would not come over and hang out for the evening. Some people try to buy friends. My kids try to pay them to leave…

But either of those options misses the point when it comes to Jesus.

He is the Messiah. He is the Christ. He is God.

He is everything to me. He is my all.

How can I forget that?

What about you? Who do you say that he is? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “Memorize Scripture – Week 25

  1. He is my hope. In good times, and bad times, he has never forsaken me.

    From time to time, I forget that it’s not me by myself leading my family, trying live as a Christian, trying to be an example. I forget that he wants a relationship with me.

    Great reminder.

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