Memorize Scripture – Week 26

Occasionally, I run into a situation where someone, often myself, does or says something completely brainless.

Okay, maybe a little more than occasionally…

But I’m pretty sure that God created our minds to seek out answers, solutions, wisdom.

Look at this week’s passage found in Proverbs 25:2:

Proverbs 25:2

God’s very nature means that his character is shrouded in mystery.

And yet, kings, and by extension all of us, are praised for our ability to uncover secrets.

Look at the way we do this in all areas of our society: researchers discover new things, the patent office is overrun with applications for new inventions, we give the Nobel Peace Prize for significant discoveries in multiple areas. And the list could go on and on.

I love the way the Contemporary English Version states it: “God is praised for being mysterious, rulers are praised for explaining mysteries.”

God has given us our minds to be used.

And while I may occasionally do or say something boneheaded, my goal should be to seek wisdom, not for my own glory, but for God’s.

Are you good at figuring out new things? What can you do to improve? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.