Memorize Scripture – Week 32

I just spent the past week with over one hundred middle school students at church camp. It was an incredible week, perhaps one of the best I’ve ever experienced.

In light of that, this week’s passage feels especially meaningful. Look it up in Psalm 4:8:

Psalm 4:8

I’m pretty sure the psalmist didn’t have church camp in mind when he penned this passage, but it sure feels applicable right now.

After a week full of high energy, a full schedule of activities, late nights, early mornings and lots of heat, I feel completely drained.

Knowing that God is taking care of things while I rest provides a sense of peace and security.

That, in itself, is relaxing.

Sometimes, the most spiritual thing you can do is rest. What do you need to take a break from right now? You can leave your thoughts in the comments section below.